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Brian Sucks

It is 2:30 in the morning, and i have nothing to do. Duckman is on the television, and i'm bored out of my mind. Most people might just read, play a game, or SLEEP. I, for some retarded reason, have opted to make a page dedicated to the many reasons why i am retarded. Why you ask? Well, i think that is kinda obvious. I'm retarded.

I have created this page to allow those who call themselves friends (and those who don't) to post their own ideas/beliefs/opinions on why i actually suck. Don't hold anything back, let it all out, and share it with the world. Maybe someone can even get a chuckle out of it. Please just leave your name so i know who hates me for what reason. Thanks.

So, you can either View Why I Suck or Tell Me Why I Suck. By the way, i've got the profanity filter off. Knock yourself out, say what you want.