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andiE's HoMePaGe


::location:: Virginia

::age:: 15

::hair color:: brown

::eye color:: hazel

::fave artists:: Metallica, Tool, System of a Down, Nirvana, Godsmack, Mudvayne, Bob Marley...LONG LIVE BOB MARLEY!!!

::fave color:: Black

::piercings:: two in each ear lobe, conch


So there was just a little bit of information about me. I don't really have a lot to say except for I'm a teen growing up and facing a bunch of problems just like you probably are facing or did face. It's a complicated thing but if I ever had the chance I would probably go back to my teen-age years. Go figure. Well I better shut up now...enjoy the rest of my page. Oh and this page might be getting on a little slow because I'm very busy and I don't have a lot of time to work on it. Thankx for your understanding. =)


FaVe LiNkS

Metallica's Page
Moonlight Magick
Meagan's Elfwood Page