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{any given day}

chatspeak in 82 second chunks. rip van goza. zounds!!! funk rut. i’m on the couch in my swell pj’s, wishing i rocked like halley. pt is cool. that said. work giggles. hotel wi-fi! starbucks! cheating. phlog. technospeak. i am so s.a.s.s.y (short attention span syndrome yo)...i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks. gogurt. technovelty. at the blog meet up. cool to put flesh faces to digital personas, sadly however, most are better in blog form. trickery. asleep at the wheel. ice cream! howard, smartmobs! play blogs on your ipod. mug. out and about. demo hell. rantspeak. so tired. headlines. my outlook web access is down. microsoft tech hell. i just had the worst 48 hours of technology, nothing worked. there has to be somebody buying - some success as a result of this type of activity - or they would stop right? more later. fill in the blanks. apple music service rocks. trackback, linkosphere. google is god. can’t sleep. bubbles. zounds! walking. law and order = crack/cocaine. head hurts. meta mega moblogging. roadie. gameboys! fuzzy fuzzy camera phone pictures. ice cream sundae pictures. catprin pictures. flaky bluetooth. using my favorite starbucks website to pick out my worksite tomorrow. out-of-focus cat nose pictures. my flight set off an interesting chain of consumerism. the cluetrain said branding doesn’t work - clearly we/they were wrong. zounds! i also have an mail account. mini-bar. ice cream! more ice cream! jeff jarvis with the word of the day - “nichefication” (nichification?) of the media. so i go to check out the new ice cream shop down the s-treat [heh heh], i guess i would have described the ice cream parlor franchise business as anything other than cut throat. go figure. at any rate take a minute to noodle on the thought above, a somewhat apropo descriptor. i’m thinking. ok done. i have a totally seriously short attention span. ribs! ice cream! raid piggy bank. ice cream! short attention span again. obligatory out-of-focus cat picture. blogging from my phone, the mind reels at all the possibilities. i dunno. i have no shame when it comes to tv. i’m a tvholic. travel. sitting in the back of the plane always makes me anxious. slow slow crashy outlook mobile access. best alien guts falling on the desert floor sound ever. ice cream! nervous blogdown. my outlook web access is down again and i keep checking to see if it’s back up. i’m convinced the minute i go to bed it will be back on line. i have serious problems people, but then you knew that already. extreme makeover. random evening out and thoroughly enjoyed site-seeing, and of course, the snacks and ice cream. no shift key. oh heck, i can’t make the tablet blogger work and i can’t get on my ftp server, can’t seem to find the time to do some things with my blog that i’d like to. more fuzzy phone pictures. too tired to moblog/photoblog this weekend. red eye. clay shirky. pic of radio city music hall i had on the way to a dinner and snack time with local user group leaders and mvps. ice cream! randomness. benadryl. claritin. dayquil. contact. peanut butter choco nutrition bars, near-permanet, google-spidered hairnets. ice cream! dr. pepper bloggergate. starbucks locations. apple computer. techno-lust. flashgoirl. my hotmail is full of spam. is it just me of is like, the spam, like, problem, like so much greater, gawd, and it seems, like, esp. bad on, like, hotmail, like total. question of the day: is it niche (neesh) or niche (nitch)? ice cream! google - repeat 100 times before bed. but i think as hot spots pop up more and more people will look forward to going out with their computers. it’s like being alone, together. like a label junkie high on the pure stuff. send me questions for the “experts panel” tomorrow. i guess i would have described the ice cream parlor franchise different. my weakness: ice cream! my other weaknesses: scattershot, raw and totally self-centered individualistic. five days of ribs ribs ribs, yummy! travel. i have premier status and usually sit in economy plus which is like the crack/cocaine of the flying world. stone cold creamery! post-lunch, pre-snack post david weinberger panel. headphones. god’s gift to the leery traveler. flew into this town yesterday. was exhausted. narration later. nap. i dreamt that alligators tried to eat my cat. ribs! ribs! ice cream! another obligatory cat picture. out-of-focus phone pictures of my breakfast. fuzzy phone pictures of my brunch. out-of-focus phone pictures of my lunch. blurry phone pictures of my mid-day snack. out-of-focus phone pictures of my dinner. fuzzy phone pictures of my dessert. out-of-focus phone pictures of my evening snack. fuzzy phone pictures of my midnight snacks. out-of-focus phone pictures of my weird airplane snacks. out-of-focus phone pictures of my starbucks snacks. blurry phone pictures of my pre-snack snack. out-of-focus phone pictures of my post-snack snack. out-of-focus phone pictures of a random snack. fuzzy phone pictures of my jetblue snacks. phone pictures of my hard rock cafe snacks. [winner.bmp - biglunch.jpg - dinner.bmp - icecream_wow.jpg - big_pig.bmp - kudos.jpg] starbucks! cookies! ribs! ribs! ice cream! thank goodness for a well stocked mini-bar. ice cream! i got seriously cheated in the sprinkles department. i know now what is on my bday wish list. had a big big dinner last night with five local user group folks. i also found a great shop for gals that would like to look cute even when they’re doing the weight watchers. but today i took the train to the airport so i could ride a shuttle bus to the car rental center to drive 40 miles to find out that weight watchers is closed on holidays. okay, so, like, no weigh in for me. but oh ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! basically in this day and age people, including me, don’t go outside enough, don’t move around enough, and don’t refrain from eating too much. common sense, no? ice cream! cookies! ribs! ice cream! snacks! snacks! i think as hot spots pop up more and more people will look forward to going out with their computers. weekends. stuffy nose, sore throat and achey head. rocks my socks. caught an episode of vh1 classics. saw some great videos which made me wax nostalgic. beth from microsoft. ubiquity. ice cream! counter culture. ramifications. worship me. ribs! ribs! ice cream! walk, 5358 steps. ice cream! storytelling. i recently joined the brain trust. great conversations going on - but i must admit i feel a bit out of my league. doing, like, a whole lot of reading and learning, makes my head seriously hurt. i’m sitting on a panel at the jupiter weblog business strategies conference. not sure i really belong. i’m hiding in my hotel room tonight because i feel a little bit like an intruder. the real bloggers are more interesting than i am and some of them actually make sense. question from someone: “did you say blogging is journalism?” answer: damn good answer, but kick me for listening so hard i can’t capture. i’m in the windows division. been heads down in mobile devices for so long, i honestly didn’t give much thought to the other microsoft products. and i don’t use a pocket pc anymore. i dunno its complex, but i just didn’t find them all that useful, i just use a fujitsu tablet pc now. sooooo, like, and oh, i am not saying pocket pc’s aren't, like, kewl, tomb raider like rocks, esp. in windows mobile 2003, but they are, just not, like, for, like, everyone, like, no duh. and i guess, like, macromedia flash on pocket pc’s didn’t save the world, and it actually wasn’t all that special after all. zounds! oh well. but ice cream time! now i just mainly focus on connecting the development groups with windows users. make sense? i hope so. sometimes i have trouble making sense. ice cream! i dunno anything about development however, but I connect people to people. just call me a people person! i get to party, go to lunch and dinner and talk with people about windows, it’s a great job cause i meet the nicest people and order the best food and have the coolest snacks, and travel all over, all on microsoft’s dime. tech toy party with great food! oh my gosh! i’m going to get effusive here so please forgive, but some really nice people at dinner gave me some more insights into the ‘wows and woes’ of windows. but today i was asked to use more math than i have since my senior year in high school. my first thought: sad. second thought: phlegmy cough. i wish i could think blog. i do it all day. walking around thinking oh i need to blog about this or blog about that. but right now, being on tour, working remotely and talking to a lot of folks, well i pretty much get back to my hotel room and crash. riddle me this. i’m not allowed to take this on the plane. oh well. thinking. ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! the six on my cell phone is grumpy and i need to push it super hard, otherwise nothing happens. one of the coolest things i learned last night is about a computer program that teaches people how to use computers. oh sigh, it’s a girls life...waiting in line for the bathroom, least i have a phone and 10 mb a month of grps access. travel. airplane. new city. tired. sleep. the next day i decide to download much much more from the apple music service. (yes i work for microsoft, but i think it’s crucial to understand and experience what the other guys are doing. makes me a better at what i do.) besides microsoft stuff is sometimes a bore, its all too bizness, and i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks. no fun stuffs for people like me, apple is fun. i was able to buy a couple of sugarcubes songs just in time to head back out on the road. photos: lets play where in the world is beth? can you guess where i am? [pause] blog envy. segway. potpourri. i love me! i love me! you love me! strange picture of the day. exsqueeze me? important lunch. fill in the blanks. i’m an aspiring director - emphasis on the aspiring...the plan is to get pretty familiar with all sort of media type activities. i had a filling replaced today. did you know that fillings have a life span of 15 to 20 years? made me feel really old to think i have fillings that are older than a lot of the folks i come into contact with during the day. kewl conferences: gnomedex, jupiter, comdex and ces. blogoescape via scripting news and ‘not a real doctor’ [heh heh] doc searls starting points. pout, blog envy. dramamine. photoblog, my travels via blurry low-res camera phone pictures. i am not a real photographer. i’ve been heads down in mobile devices for so long, i honestly didn’t give much thought to the other microsoft products (oh - except xbox of course). i’m not afraid to sound foolish. we’ll be showing off some cool stuff and the team organizing was nice enough to let me tag along in order to learn more about this supposed amazing world of microsoft windows. way kewl. but i also went to the grand opening of the new apple store this morning, one word: way cooler. important lunch. important dinner. my outlook web access is down and i keep checking to see if it’s back up. and oh swim fan was seriously bad, bad. bad. bad. oh tv schedules, it wears me out. i need external forces to make me active. the customer is always talking and it’s important to listen. i have caller id and don’t pick up unless i recognize the number. i wish i had a comments section and i would genuinely like to post a mail me link, however, with the harvesters (i picture the spider creatures in minority report) crawling the web grabbing email addresses for spamming, i hesitate. every it pro’s dream - a microsoft employee who is all ears! but wait until after law and order is over. i have a seriously short attention span. i dunno. i’m a tvholic. law and order = crack/cocaine. headsets, cool or stupid? i’m really leaning towards getting one, but i’m still uncertain. whew. something to think hard about. i dunno. and i have noticed a lot of microsoft products seem to ship with less and less documentation. oh well, not like i am reading much anyways. ice cream with lots of multi-colored sprinkles! blogging from my theater seat over a bluetooth connection. it’s sort of like an ocean’s eleven for gen y. which is funny because i think the original of this was somewhat a homage to the original of that. make sense? sometimes i have trouble making sense. i dunno. i’m at a loss. yippee. oh i have not mastered math in any sort of way. and oh i am not a real techie. i am a school teacher really really. good gawd. ice cream with lots of sprinkles! the words: poser/wannabee/tag-a-long came to my mind. time warp. come on, get on the cluetrain. important lunch. important dinner. my new apple computer, one word: kewl. amazing. i’m at a loss. been under the weather for the last few days. haven’t seen any good flicks. i especially liked the fact that he likened having a couple of pints of red hook esb as taking a vacation from your frontal lobe. i’m going to be in training all week and then next friday night i’m going to be taking a whole bunch of folks out to dinner to hear what they think about microsoft and windows. i’m super excited! its just too bad i dunno what on earth i am talking about. it dawned on me that it’s amazing the high level of knowledge and comfort with technology someone would have to have in order to navigate much of what is going on in the wireless space. got the mug, i’m a little too motivated by external rewards rather than an internal drive for health and well being. nap times. dream. but it’s a good question, where should documentation end and then more in-depth books take over? i walk. i realized after many segway trips that places were closer than i had realized. i used to be an english teacher. tv fall season schedules. i have to say i am anxious for v2. markets are conversations. mvp ego wars. rethinking. why i love my tablet pc! reason 3,640: the problem was it didn’t work at all. only the control alt delete button worked. fujitsu said it was bad hardware and sent me a new unit. time warp. whether you’re in ecuador or egypt you can at least track my travels - i promise to keep the pictures and videos small for dial-up folks :) scooter, audrey and possum. dr. cornel west in the matrix reloaded! saw him speak a few years ago and was like totally like awestruckeded. virtual feedback mechanisms. i have a seriously short attention span. i’m in an alternate parallel universe. identity. tech toy perks, fiddling fun with the marketing expense accounts. just had the peanut butter choco nutrition bar, good gawd it was like a reeses peanut butter cup on steroids. when buying dog toys one must always remember there is a delicate balance between fluff and squeak. all the arguments for and against plastic surgery, reality tv, and society’s emphasis on looks aside, the thing that disturbed me the most about this show was having the fiancée of karen say repeatedly how beautiful she looked only after her extreme makeover and never once, not once! saying, but that again, good gawd i always thought she was beautiful or something along those lines. sad. i’ve had a couple of fabulous weekends in a row. miss lily. mr. luther. get on da da clue, cluuuue cluetrain. i have a stuffy nose, sore throat, achey head and phlegmy cough. no duh. random blank outs. tony hawk count for today: 2 (doritos commercial, simpsons episode from sunday night). if you raise your hand above your head, you know it’s there. you don’t need to see it to know your hand is currently above your head. fully functional a.i. beings. trimeth-sulfur. playing tomb raider on pocket pc. whew! [pause] history, you can catch up on bdot posts from 2002 [pause] i strive to be interesting, i dunno if it always works. sorry i’ve been remiss in posting. it’s amazing how hard it is to blog right b4 bed time. i’ve already sent mail to a bunch of user group leaders and mvps asking about this amazing thing called microsoft windows. i see a personal trainer three times a week. wanna know how many times i work out? three. with computers it is an 8-12 hr. a day gig for me. i watched extreme makeover on abc. oh drugs scare me. i mean - wow - some of this shit is really really amazing. i have a seriously short attention span. it’s strange to lose your sense of taste and smell yet still have hunger pangs. ribs! ribs! ice cream! i dunno but the meds are working wonders on the sinuses, but i dunno, i think they’re wreaking a little havoc in not so wondrous ways.

{bloggoooeyspeak conference}

blogging technologies and platforms. i am the microsoft blogger! but first, i have to say just as one blogger can’t represent all, i can in no way be a like totally accurate representation of the many folks at msft who blog. as some are really smart and write about software and actually make sense. but with all the other bloggers to choose from i get picked! i am special. i write about cats, tv shows, food, snacks, fun travel, kewl stuff and parties, all in 82 second chunks. i am me. each to own. but yay!! me, chosen, yes me. i sorta feel humbled and not worthy, but i will somehow always manage. me! worship me! look at me. i love me! i love me! you love me! how can you not but love me? my outlook web access is down and i keep checking to see if it’s back up...

but i am tracking each presentation of the weblog conference. disclaimer: doing my best to give you my take as verbatim as i can, but i am not a good fast conference blogger - so most of this should be considered sorta paraphrasing, rather than, like, direct quotes. ps - standing room only. oh the gentleman next to me has a flying-toaster tie. that is so totally cool. it was my first after dark screen saver on my mac. way way too kewl!! and oh, blogs to me are the anti pop-ups. google - repeat 100 times before bed. if you can’t find it there, then it might as well not be there. no duh.

why am i boring you with this? because i have to bore you with something. i speak in a human voice (cluetrain) and a blog can be that human voice. weblogs creating a secondary syndication channel or something. oh too much thinking. head hurts.

questions everyone wondering - are the businesses going to pave the utopia paradise of blogs and put up a parking lot. blogs are an atomic unit of personal expression. big advantage of having a blog is no censorship. good. i do have a filthy mouth.

conference picture link. i post this cause i, like, totally like suck at taking pictures and this person doesn’t.

this person - we are continually playing catch-up with what people are doing to have the tools to complement what the people are doing to what they are doing it about and for. we are trying to figure it all out. we have a real sense that this is utopia and important. when people talk about the bubble - you know they immediately have missed the importance of the internet. we have to rethink what we are doing. rolling out new tools as an investment for the future. but a blog is not a publishing tool it’s a social contract.

this very important person - why i went from being a ceo at a technology company to being a fellow at a university - “now we understand how the software should work” after my company horrifically and miserably failed. cluetrain and weblogs being flipsides of the same coin. i think weblogs are personal websites. i think weblogs are...

folks. having trouble paying attention. also the room is pretty quiet. this seems to be the time of the day at a conference where folks begin to slip away for a bit.

mingle. talking with other bloggers in the lobby. got some snacks.

ok back. i am all rebooted.

this other important person - are bloggers authentic? topic is vexing and annoying. we have a view of the self that gets us in trouble. we have an m&m view of the self. weblogs are frightening to a business model that relies on selectively releasing information. blogs are popular now cause of unemployment. its that stupid president fault. but good for the blogosphere. blogs allow multi-subjectivity. we can now read this. we have a blogosphere. we have links. we can find ’em. what is knowledge on the web? knowledge rooted in human experience. where is the inner self on the web? we can’t make sense of things like authenticity. the relationship of you to your webself. it is all a conversation with the webself as self in such a way as relationship of an author to her/his character.

comment from the gallery: you can’t participate in the conversation if you aren’t welcome in the room.

we’ve quickly moved to the blogging/journalism debate. oh like, bummer.

real fuzzy picture. zounds! pardon the fuzzy pics. picking up my steady cam on the next break. zounds! and more zounds! zounds!!!!

what impact weblogs have on traditional media. hot freaking topic!

this person - journalists are humans, hard to believe but its true. but blogs are transformational capabilities. differentiation between a blog voice and a corporate voi...

oh no!!!!! doh! batteries going dead on my ir keyboard. doh! zounds!!!! my kingdom for two aaa’s. going to switch to journal and inking for now so i can capture what’s going on. oh heck. not working all that perfect. double zounds!!!! zounds and more zounds!!!! zounds!!!!

now talking about security issues vis a vi blogging. how do you maintain a completely private blog?

this person - weblogs exist in a new place. a public place. we invent new selves. a place that represents the collected reflected nuances of our cluttered pointless life. that is a big deal. not sure what it means or if it means anything at all, but i know it is a big deal.

law blogs - here are the lawyers to bring the thunder clouds down on all this enthusiasm. and the root of all litigation: interaction. can the risks be managed? the minute you open a website you are immediately acting as a publisher, broadcaster, writer, entertainer. as soon as you do that you are subject to the liability of...

folks - going to pause for some intent listening of this law panel.

this person - here’s why i think weblogs are exciting. everyday you get confronted by real knowledge with blood running through its brain. i think there is a very different social experiment. people create a persona.

whew! my panel session is over. phew. i was so freakin’ nervous. this is an amazing room of people i’m with and i hope i was able to add some goodness to the day. doh! oh ice cream time! stress! i like that on each panel there has really been an open dialogue - not just a lot of bobbing heads. folks are throwing out some opinions and thoughts and folks are catching them and tossing them around. catching them. tossing them. yeah, catching them and tossing them around. catching and tossing them. important. that is a big deal. at any rate, i hope at the least, i made the home team proud. catching them and tossing them around. yeah.

new panel - they are talking about something now. not sure what. sounds important however.

doc jumps in. steers the conversation to digital identity.

doc - so the relationship of you to your webself is like the relationship of an author to her character. people define themselves by the media they are consuming. we are writing ourselves into existence on the web. creating a social self. a place to serve as a web self. a proxy for the self. self as self. web as self. social self. self self as web self as self itself. self self as web self as social self. web social self as self. or self as self only, self self of the self itself as a webself independent from the other self as that self defines “self”...

this person - here’s why i think weblogs are important...

this speaker has one of those soothing southern accents. having a hard time focusing on what he’s saying because it makes me think of my family. not sure i ever shared that i’m from a southern family. focus. focus. beth, focus. where was i? focus. focus. oh i forgot...well just breaking in...i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks.

that same person after a big time warp - we need to make sure we are open up how people think about the web. recognize that we are at the very earliest learning stages. the website is important. and the blogging is part of the website. you have to integrate the two. there are many ways to communicate. starting to put those things together will be as important as adding grid lines and better formatting to excel. blog + database + research reports = big. open-source. linux made blogs. microsoft will ruin blogs. google is god. google is blog power. worship google.

this person - moblogs. we need to talk about devices beyond the pc. the magic number for devices can be two, three, four, five or six, never seven however. the ability to create/post/blog/trackback/linkback from multiple devices. and also...

oh heck. i am s.a.s.s.y. sigh. folks - i can’t keep up. taking a break to listen...

so there are, like, a lot of bloggers covering the event, like total, and a couple are doing such a totally kick ass job, that i’m going to point you to them. link. link. link. link. finding this blog reminded me that i had taken a very americentric view of the blogosphere.

a bunch more stuff happened. some opinions and thoughts and more opinions and thoughts. all very important or not, as i was only half paying attention. but it all sounded sorta important, i think maybe...

over. hindsight. it was fun and informative but my head really hurts. now hungry. time to pamper myself with some ice cream! bad bad b. ice cream! ice cream! bad bad b. oh well.


hellokitty, best windows wallpaper ever! zounds!!!! i think cool technology for coolness sake is a-ok. i have silly applications and wallpapers on my personal machine. trip to target and best buy, a photo essay. i love the ways in which technology is continually reinventing itself. we had $334 hanging out in our basement for over a year. it’s like christmas in july. i need external forces to make me active. staying at the w in san francisco and there’s wi-fi in the bar. and now we’re in the early stages of developing the perfect future utopian world that william gibson, phillip k. dick, frank herbert, isaac asimov and so many other writers envisioned in their novels and short stories. wifi. some time last year i took the plunge and signed up for both wayport and starbucks/t-mobile wi-fi accounts. the thing is i hardly ever get to use them. i dunno, there are certain technologies that are currently only used for their novelty factor. photoblog, my travels via blurry low-res camera phone pictures. i am not a real photographer. ingredients: one minolta diamage x. one 128mb kingston sd card. one dazzle 4 in 1 card adapter. one fujitsu tablet pc. one microsoft travel mouse. one stsn internet access box (love hotels with high speed). oh, nap time. more on this later. found out this week that i spend most of my time living below the line, moving around little rocks with a dull saw. i don’t interact with paper. the words: poser/wannabee/tag-a-long came to my mind. and i’m pretty sure i’m certifiable at this point. good gawd. i know folks who work at four and five star restaurants but choose mcdonalds on the weekend. and there’s much much more - but i’m drawing a blank. nap time. just for the record i like it when my foods touch. busy. dramamine. mvp ego wars. dr. oliver sacks describes a patient who essentially loses the “sixth” sense or ‘sense of self’ in a three dimensional plane. i have noticed a lot of products seem to ship with less and less documentation. i’m supposed to walk 10k steps a day for a healthy heart. i’m getting in about 7k+ i have a new toy i wear that let’s me know. if i walked as long as i hung out playing with tech toys i’d probably circle the globe in a week. ink in computing will probably be fairly common at some point, but for now it still makes me smile. i dunno. i’m da bunny. i used to be an english teacher. other than a stack of powerpoint copies that i usually file away never to be retrieved, a people magazine on the seattle to nyc red-eye, and a daily dose of direct mail in the home box that i print out i don’t interact with paper. i have a seriously short attention span. there are movies i’m convinced i’m not going to like. not sure if it’s the previews, the actors, the premise, or some non-specific ick factor. however in the detractor camp was hugh grant, hash grant, and well high grant. (ps - those are total tablet pc typos but they were too funny to correct). then again i always thought the other co-star was beautiful or something along those lines. sad. 84% closer to getting the mug. oh. kurt vonnegut doing tiaa kref commercials. i have silly applications and wallpapers on my personal machine. i dunno it’s not who is the kewlist kid on the blog [heh heh] but who is enjoying the empowerment of public self expression and isn’t afraid to put themselves out there. ribs! ribs! ice cream! we went out to dinner tonight and i looked at a menu of absolutely amazing dishes with no delight. a husband of a friend does work for them and introduced me to the beyond cereal stuff. i dunno. had breakfast, lunch and a big dinner with local user groups and mvps. i have a stuffy nose, sore throat, achey head and phlegmy cough. flew into this town today. exhausted. narration to follow tomorrow morning after i’ve had my morning latte. i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks. beth’s summer movie list (rated on a scale of how many time i looked at my watch, the less the better), to be honest it’s been a good summer so far with only a couple of misses. now time to pamper myself with some ice cream!


2 days. 46.5 hrs of sleep. weekends! i’ve also had a couple of fabulous weekends in a row where i wasn’t asleep. ever since my segway arrived i’ve begun walking more. yesterday i walked downtown. 4.3 miles and more phone pics. i love the internet. i love it a way lot more than having to fight the crowds for a carton of milk at 5:30 pm on a sunday night with the sopranos coming on in 30. i bought a piggy bank on saturday. i spend most of my time living below the line, moving around little rocks with a dull saw. it’s amazing how hard it is to blog right b4 bed time. its been a strange day. i don’t suppose anyone but me finds it interesting that the saturday night fever soundtrack is perfect for a 60 minute elliptical machine workout. at this point i see even more possibilities for integration. i have to say though i currently love the commercial in which a guy appears to say to the woman sitting next to him “i think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world” - when she responds that she’s attracted to him as well, he pulls out an earphone and says, “excuse me?”. well kids, i’m going through demo hell again. i strive to be interesting, i dunno if it always works. whew, demo over. the customer is always talking and it’s important to listen, but i dunno, just sometimes it’s all too tiring. and i dunno but sometimes it’s all a little too contrived. must go reboot, my brain. i love me. you love me. i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks. tv is my comfort. admitting defeat is the first step. hi i’m beth and i’m a tvholic. i have a seriously short attention span. i still have a stuffy nose, sore throat, achey head and phlegmy cough. skipping the shift key is the way i get out of work mode. i have a seriously short attention span. our cat ran away tonight. we went for an hour long walk and came home to find the front door wide open. two panicked geeks running around yelling lily for 30 min - not a pretty picture. and how is it possible that i can be so tired from an afternoon of curling? google - repeat 100 times before bed. color me, fried. back tomorrow.

{rocks my socks, duh}

i’m da bunny. mix tapes, flowers and candy of my generation. every mix tape every boy gave me was filled with the music of that time for me. whoa, i was awoken last night at 2:00 a.m. by the television still on in the living room. now i’m not saying take me back to mario-ville or donkey kong jr. (not that those weren’t fabulous games) - but some of these are just games are just way too hard to figure out. is it genetic? i guess gogurt showed up on the shelves a couple of years ago. i am having a hard time picturing how it works because it’s the consistency of regular yogurt in a tube. mechanical engineering at it’s best. important lunch. important dinner. ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! ice cream! cookies! ribs! ice cream! i word my ideas, checking my spelling, making insured what i write and say is professional, concise, and well-expressed. it’s been a strange week. i dunno, but i need external forces to make me active. hi i’m beth and i’m a tvholic. dry-season for movies. ask me if i care tho’. i dunno. i love me. you love me. i am the queen of tech toys. the deal is i got the segway for all of those trips that are too far to walk but definitely too close to drive. anything under 2 miles seemed to fit the bill. now, however, i’ve amended it. i’m curious to see if there is eventual tension between humans and machines. just for the record i like it when my foods touch. i have a seriously short attention span. walk. 5358 steps. happy dog. i dunno. there is a reason why i steer clear of the shift key in some cases. i’ve confessed to some pretty major tv addictions. like, spend, like, a day, like, counting how, like, many times you hear people say: like. i feel somehow, like i’ve lost i.q. points. then it hits me. it’s just one more reality tv show. i cheat on xbox games, like, i dunno, my brain just doesn’t function that well, pure economics you see. found out this week that i spend most of my time living below the line, moving around little rocks with a dull saw. took the segway up to the park today. five down. ten to go. i’m 73k steps closer to 220k steps. i throw fun parties for marketing purposes. i’m not a developer. it’s a truly triangulated relationship. i’m not sure this is necessarily true and it’s just a thought, least that is what i tell people. but the range of moral greyness when it comes to cheating, cutting corners, etc. is pretty relative and squishy. i have noticed a lot of microsoft products seem to ship with less and less documentation. whew, demo over. home = not being afraid to sound foolish, having a bit fun, and hopefully, like, not causing too much, like, trouble. i have a seriously short attention span. i dunno and i dunno but does inserting the word but between point a and point b basically negate point a in favor of point b? thinking of starting a .com swag museum. i dunno. i work for microsoft. it’s all, like, a free license to be completely self-centered and doe-eyed. cutting corners etc. is pretty relative. it’s not a matter of morality. 84% closer to getting the mug. starbucks. mix tapes. flowers and candy of my generation. ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! ice cream! cookies! ribs! ice cream! thank goodness for a well stocked mini-bar. just for the record i like it when my foods touch. hey, check out my rss feed. i dunno. nuff said. i’ve confessed to some pretty major tv addictions. well kids, i’m going through demo hell. whew, demo over. no more demos for awhile. weeeee! i’m not afraid to sound foolish. i work in marketing - what’s wrong with this picture? i own sock puppets. i wore my bball cap. oh, nap time. more on this later. i have silly applications and wallpapers on my personal machine. oh the pocket pc is kewl!, obligatory out-of-focus cat picture. but i am not a real techie. i am a school teacher really. i love law and order and csi. have you seen, like, my three robot dogs: scooter, audrey and possum? i think burroughs did a nike commercial a few years back. i have a stuffy nose, sore throat, achey head and phlegmy cough. the screen of the new ipaq is like so kewl, like total. i use it mostly as a remote control. never make me mad. dramamine, in college folks who took excessive amounts in one sitting called it ‘tilting’. it’s sort of like when someone asks you think of a name of something and the minute they say it - you blank out. i’ll be back with more when the pressure’s off. i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks. i am the queen of tech toys. but good gawd - did i mention how beautiful the ipaq screen is!??!! i use it as a remote control. ice cream! like kewl. i like me! worship me. i dunno, there are certain technologies that are currently only used for their novelty factor. two words: phlegmy cough. i’m a tvholic. i’m hooked on yet another tv show. ice cream! popcorn! oh, nap time. more on this later. so tired. going to take the night off. back tomorrow.


i dunno. any technology that enables me to watch more tv or slowly become one with the couch can’t possibly be all bad, right?!?!? i need to join a support group for people who watch too much msnbc, fox and cnn. watching “spike” (tm) tv tonight because we have new cool shows. i guess i prefer television for men over television for women. that show was freaking hysterical. catch it on hbo if they show it again. tv is my comfort. tv. tv! admitting defeat is the first step. why the hell do i tune into a show about the future and spaceships if i want to watch the town pitch in to send tommy to college?? or vulcans buying frozen dinners at the local piggly wiggly? i have no shame when it comes to tv. i’m a tvholic. definitely catered to my fascination with reality tv, but made me wistful to think that you could have that type of programming be engaging and educational. if i hadn’t read the manual i probably would have never discovered the tune into tv feature. it’s cool to walk around the block and listen in to the evening news on king 5, or kiro 7. thank goodness for a well stocked mini-bar. extreme makeover, if you’re so inclined they have before and after pictures on the abc site. after several surgeries, hair/makeup makover, and multiple sessions with a personal trainer there was a dramatic difference in how she looked. cool. oh hold. goodness. five weeks of ribs ribs ribs. [pause] one word: starbucks. curious to see if somehow american tv tries to duplicate this other new show as they do so often with british shows. the mind reels at the untasteful possibilities. favorite guy on the show - the kooky chef who looked like a muppet character. obligatory out-of-focus cat picture. murakami! and i’m hooked on yet another tv show. i dunno. it wasn’t the first show to cause people to despair for all humanity, and it unfortunately won’t be the last. i dunno. nap time. how many sixes can one person need to access?!? well it turns out a lot. pick a number tomorrow and see how many times you find yourself using six on your cellphone. i dreamt that alligators tried to eat my cat. at any rate i wanted to know if i was having a “real memory” or some parallel universe type memory that came out of a bad dream or too much tv or something. ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! ice cream! cookies! ribs! ice cream! i dunno but i’m getting sort of depressed now thinking about how much time i spend watching tv. i dunno but i’m not an encyclopaedia of star trek trivia and/or history but i’m enough of a continuity purist to be completely annoyed that the borg is a part of tonight’s enterprise episode. reality t.v. shows that i have tuned into at some point: osbournes, extreme makeover, the real world, real world/road rules challenge, road rules, sorority life, the bachelor, true life, joe millionaire, single in ny and single in la, survivor, fear factor, looking for love bachelorettes in alaska, surreal life, anna nicole and punk'd and jackass. oh, nap time. i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks. nuff said. and if i hadn’t read the manual i probably would have never discovered the tune into tv feature. i’m a tvholic. oh i’m hooked on yet another tv show. two words: phlegmy cough. i love the internet. i love it a way lot more than having to fight the crowds for a carton of milk at 5:30 pm on a sunday night with the sopranos coming on in 30. dramamine. this stuff should be illegal. sorry i’ve been remiss in posting. it’s amazing how hard it is to blog right b4 bed time. i dunno. all the other web bloggers and web people really love me. they love me! you love me! i love me! but let’s not talk about the other types, the serious corporates and the developer ones. they don’t like me. but they can’t party with me. do not ever make me mad. i have silly applications and wallpapers on my personal machine. at this point i see even more possibilities for integration. i can’t wait to get home and post pet pictures. i’m relatively late to the game obviously. i dunno. i have not mastered math in any sort of way. i want to though. it’s my mt. everest. you don’t want to see me mad. also amazed that losing over 10 lbs. seemed to make the segway ride seem so much smoother. i love me. you love me. i love me. you just worship me. oh, nap time. i work for microsoft. i used to do pocket pc demos. porridge, not too hot, not too cool. nuff said. i dunno, nothing too in-depth. tomb raider is so kewl, i cheat on it, 2 hard. i feel like pocket pc’s are somewhat pasted on to provide elements of pathos that are already present in the rest of the folks on the ship. important lunch. important dinner. i have a seriously short attention span. skipping the shift key is the way i get out of work mode. 2night has been fun, walked the dog. ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! ice cream! cookies! ribs! ice cream! i’m a tvholic, but i dunno it’s all a little too contrived. but tonight’s episode was much better than last weeks. i’d like to espouse on why i love google. helps me shop and find 80s trivia. obligatory out-of-focus cat picture. mix tapes. flowers and candy of my generation. i work for microsoft, but i dunno it’s all a little too contrived. back to google, and oh msn searching isn’t kewl, too many ads and never finds what i need. but no offence meant. demo time. whew, demo over. i have a stuffy nose, sore throat, achey head, and phlegmy cough. oh, nap time. i have a b.a. in english lit and an m.s. in education. but i dunno much. i work for microsoft. did I tell you that? i work for microsoft. i work for microsoft. there, now u won’t 4get. fill in the blanks. it’s been a strange day. it’s been a strange week. the range of moral greyness when it comes to cheating, cutting corners, etc. is pretty relative and squishy. must go reboot, my brain. at this point i see even more possibilities for integration. I like the sopranos. I like words too tho. i read. i used to be an english teacher. oh my gawd do you remember that episode of the young ones when neil was sick? i work for microsoft. the customer is always talking and it’s important to listen. hold that thought tho, csi is on in 15. must go reboot. my brain. thank goodness for a well stocked mini-bar. i can’t wait to get home and post pet pictures. color me, fried. back tomorrow. me: alpha tester. on the list to be one of the few, the proud, the first folks to lay their hands on alpha code of a new xbox game. cheat time. hi i’m beth and i’m a tvholic. math, it makes my head hurt. demographics: i am a f w/ dink who is a part of genx with a ba and a ms living in sea wa - market to me - i dare you. besides i get all my toys for free. i have noticed a lot of microsoft products seem to ship with less and less documentation. when i get back to seattle i’m going to get some math exercise books. found out this week that i spend most of my time living below the line, moving around little rocks with a dull saw. during the amazing windows experience stop on i snapped a picture of myself in one of the kiosks. [beth.bmp - 1.6 meg] oh i wish i could think blog. i do it all day. walking around thinking oh i need to blog about this or blog about that. ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! ice cream! cookies! ribs! ice cream! do not ever make me mad. you don’t want to see me mad. must go reboot, my brain. i will post my excel chart of my s.w.a.g. count for ytd 2003. nap time. i love me! i love me! you love me! i dunno, but i’m going to miss dennis miller. when pondering inconvenience in his last episode he makes a crack about carrying all bunch of gadgets in your dockers connected pants. obligatory out-of-focus cat picture. must go reboot, my brain. i dunno. i’m a tvholic. all about the arguments for and against plastic surgery, reality tv, and society's emphasis on looks, but i’m hooked on yet another tv show. tv = crack/cocaine. where will i be night? catching a play. saw a documentary about it awhile back and was hoping i could get a seat. review to follow tomorrow. done. now so tired. head hurts. need ice cream. back tomorrow. bye.

{nervous blogdown}

check out my blog roll to the left for folks who have way more interesting things to say than i do. short review: the play was amazing, like total. had breakfast, lunch and a big dinner with local user groups and mvps, was fun all around and amazing to think of all the companies (and foods) that came into play over the course of my week. now a walk. 5358 steps. robots, rabbits, roddy mcdowell. the theme of disparity between groups and desire to be considered of value. not sure i’ve said lately how much i love doc’s blog. ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! ice cream! cookies! ribs! ice cream! snacks! snacks! i have a seriously short attention span. catprin pictures. i dunno, i’m not going to worry about whether or not i’m good enough, smart enough, or gosh darn if it people like my blog. porridge. not to hot, not to cold. just right. ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! ice cream! cookies! ribs! ice cream! i like a video game that isn’t too hard (azurik) and isn’t too easy (shrek), one that’s just right (buffy the vampire slayer). television - drug of a nation. the mind reels at the untasteful possibilities.  oh, nap time. i work for microsoft. meds are working wonders on the sinuses but i dunno, i think they’re wreaking a little havoc in not so wondrous ways. i have a seriously short attention span. do not ever make me mad. you don’t want to see me mad. must go reboot. my brain. oh, nap time. people who can’t sleep do pocket pc magic. just for the record i like it when my foods touch. i’m curious to see if there is eventual tension between humans and machines as we move away from what are perceived as harmless robot dogs to fully functional a.i. beings. i’ll be back with more when the thinking pressure’s off. must go reboot, my brain. i’m a tvholic. i’m hooked on yet another tv show. dramamine. this stuff should be illegal. i can't wait to get home and post pet pictures. i get motion-sick when flying to i usually pop a couple before my first flight, needless to say 14 hours later i’m still loopy. but then again i’m always loopy. going to work on my second photo story with the zoo pics. chances are it will be too big for me to post here because i took 60 plus pics and 10 plus movies. got the mug. walked 88 miles for it. i’m a tvholic. i dunno, but i barely survived being a speaker. folks were really nice. nuff said. way too tired to give the run down. tired 6.0. one of my favorite shows is going off the air: dennis miller live. i work for microsoft. nap time. walked the dog. im da bunny. i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks. there’s a lot of sci-fi that goes on in this house so i may be a bit inundated. do not ever make me mad. you don’t want to see me mad. nuff said. i’m a tvholic. i work for microsoft. worship me. ouch. i can’t wait to get home and post pet pictures. i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks. sliced my index finger on a saran wrap vox. rhw index dinffwe is important for typing. okay. i’m gonna go walk the dog now. it’s good for me. i work for microsoft. i need external forces to make me active. there should be a club of binary babies. benadryl. claritin. dayquil. contact. i dunno i think i’m hooked on yet another tv show. at any rate i noticed a trend - actually this wasn’t recent - it’s just become really crystal clear with the new line up of shows. im da bunny. i dunno. must go reboot. my brain. more on this later when i have time to collect my blog thoughts. be back later. csi comes on in an hour and i still haven’t walked the dog. i dunno, i am totally obsessed with my pets. they are like little planets orbiting around me (which i think makes me the center of their universe). i’m a tvholic. but do not ever make me mad. you don’t want to see me mad. i’m getting sort of depressed now thinking about how much time i spend riding the segway. demo time. whew, demo over. oh, nap time. i work for microsoft. worship me. im da bunny. i’m a tvholic but i dunno, I read too. do not ever make me mad. you don’t want to see me mad. oh, nap time. check out my rss feed. i have beezare taste in books. i cheat at xbox. will i be a happier member of society having finished with the aid of cheating? heck ya! i used to be an english teacher. my students couldn’t cheat tho. i work for microsoft. it’s all a free license to be completely self-centered and doe-eyed. never make me mad. i techno party. dramamine. i’m a tvholic. ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! ice cream! cookies! ribs! ice cream! snacks! snacks! i dunno, i’m a little fuzzy 2night from a little too much xbox live last night also too much ice cream. sick and nervous. doing a demo tomorrow. i do pocket pc demos. i’m a tvholic. i used to be an english teacher. so why all the fuss about grammar and rules? i dunno. do u? im da bunny. i'm relatively late to the game obviously. never make me mad. i’m a tvholic, admitting defeat is the first step. nuff said. i’m a tvholic. can you say whacked rocks? worship me. i work for microsoft. i do pocket pc demos. parker lewis is now on stargate sg-1. rocking! found out this week that i spend most of my time living below the line. robots, rabbits, roddy mcdowell. there is a reason why i steer clear of the shift key in some cases. do not ever make me mad. you don’t want to see me mad. i’m getting sort of depressed now. oh drugs scare me. i mean - wow - some of this shit is really really amazing. tap tap tap. click click click. erase repeat. must go reboot. my brain. dramamine. i dunno. nuff said. i work for microsoft. people who can’t sleep do pocket pc magic. i used to be an english teacher. it’s been a strange day. it’s been a strange week. i think i’m getting sort of depressed now thinking about how much time i spend sitting. ice cream! i got seriously cheated in the sprinkles department. one word: starbucks. two words: phlegmy cough. i’m a little fuzzy 2night. i dunno. so tired. going to take the day off. back tomorrow. exsqueeeeze me. must go reboot. my brain. many days worth of stuff to write about. i wish i could think blog. i do it all day. walking around thinking oh i need to blog about this or blog about that. but right now, being on tour, working remotely and talking to a lot of folks i pretty much get back to my hotel room and crash.

{demo hell}

well kids, i’m going through demo hell. nervous. and then lots and lots of snot. big demo time, demo over. no more demos for awhile. oh crap, now doing another demo in front of maybe up to 14K people tomorrow. obligatory cat picture. math, it makes my head hurt. crap. and i’m sick. two words: phlegmy cough. i tried benadryl, claritin, dayquil, contact and some generic stuff from the med cabinet at work. all i can say is they all made me feel loopy, dizzy and nauseous. oh and i still have a stuffy nose, sore throat, achey head and the icky phlegmy cough. all that and i hafta do a demo. i dunno. must watch law and order. i’m da bunny. demo time. whew, demo over. i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks. i dunno, but i barely survived being a speaker. but folks were really nice. nuff said. i used to do pocket pc and smartphone demos. porridge, not too hot, not too cool. nuff said. i dunno, nothing too in-depth. i feel like pocket pc’s are somewhat pasted on to provide elements of pathos that are already present in the rest of the folks on the ship. i’ll be back with more when the thinking pressure’s off. oh, nap time. i’m a tvholic. do not ever make me mad. obviously i’m a little too motivated by external rewards rather than an internal drive for health and well being. if i hadn’t read the manual i probably would have never discovered the tune into tv feature. i work for microsoft. the range of moral greyness when it comes to cheating, cutting corners, etc. is pretty relative and squishy. i’m hooked on yet another tv show. i’ve been heads down in mobile devices for so long, i honestly didn’t give much thought to the other microsoft products (oh - except xbox of course). i’m getting sort of depressed now. nervous. doing a demo tomorrow. nap time. i think cool technology for coolness sake is a-ok, but i’m sure there is a more eloquent way to say about a little math? [pause to watch some icky yellow-blood bug killing - starship troopers is on] need + kewl (novelty) = ubiquity. ice cream! i got seriously cheated in the sprinkles department. i work for microsoft. law and order comes on in an hour and i still haven’t walked the dog. not sure why but I'm incredibly happy that sportbrain rewards are back. the mind reels at the untasteful possibilities. i’m a tvholic. any technology that enables me to watch more tv or slowly become one with the couch can’t possibly be all bad, right??? one word: starbucks. why i love my tablet pc! reason 3,641: the problem was it didn’t work at all. only the control alt delete button worked. fujitsu said it was bad hardware and sent me a new unit. oh, nap time. good movies are coming! stay tuned for my list of flicks to watch fer. demo time. whew, demo over. at home. i’m hooked on yet another tv show. oh, nap time. my dog is great but sometimes he bugs me cause he wants to go on walks all the time. i’ve confessed to some pretty major tv addictions. i’ve been heads down in mobile devices for so long, i honestly didn’t give much thought to the other microsoft products (oh - except xbox of course). the customer is always talking and it’s important to listen. i have caller id and don’t pick up unless i recognize the number. i’m getting sort of depressed now. stay tuned, i’m heading home from work in about an hour. do not ever make me mad. oh, nap time. i dunno. the empowerment of public self expression and isn’t afraid to put themselves out there. do not ever make me mad. nervous. doing a demo tomorrow. i’m hooked on a new tv show. the show tonight was humorous and entertaining - i enjoyed it - but it’s not why i tune in. basically i’m dealing with the both rather than the either/or. and & both are nice alternatives to but/either/or. why i love my tablet pc! reason 3,642: The problem was it didn’t work at all. only the control alt delete button worked. my outlook web access is down and i keep checking to see if it’s back up. well kids, i’m going through demo hell. there is a reason why i steer clear of the shift key in some cases. oh, nap time. dramamine. am i the only one who does get a strange sense of comfort from feeling under the weather? i have no shame when it comes to tv. working my way through buffy the vampire slayer the first season while simultaneously playing the xbox game. sick girl heaven. never make me mad. i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks. i’m a little fuzzy 2night. must go reboot. my brain. ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! ice cream! cookies! ribs! ice cream! snacks! snacks! i have a seriously short attention span. i’m hooked on yet another tv show. well kids, i’m going through demo hell. sometimes being awake is just too much of a chore. it’s all catching up with me. tap tap tap. click click click. erase repeat. must go reboot. my brain. people who can’t sleep do pocket pc magic. i have no shame when it comes to tv. benadryl. claritin. dayquil. contact. just spent this week watching all the episodes of abc’s the bachelor. dramamine. how is it possible that i can be so tired from an afternoon of curling? nap time. now work time, and now demo time. whew, demo over. home. oh, nap time. i’m showered. i’m fed. life is good. oh drugs scare me. i mean - wow. it’s been a strange day. it’s been a strange week. i’m getting sort of depressed now thinking about how much time i spend napping. dramamine. i’ve confessed to some pretty major tv addictions. dramamine. i have silly applications and wallpapers on my personal machine. not sure why but i’m incredibly happy that sportbrain rewards are back. do not ever make me mad. big demo time, demo over. no more demos for awhile. weeeee! ribs! ribs! ice cream! took the segway up to the park today. you don’t want to see me mad. the mind reels at the untasteful possibilities. nuff said. I like the sopranos. I like words too tho. i read. i hate math. oh, nap time. i’m da bunny. there is so much i have to write about tonight, but sleep beckons. benadryl. claritin. dayquil. contact. also tom waits is on the local pbs channel - so i'm gonna curl up and let him sing me to sleep. tap. click click. erase repeat. must go reboot. my brain. nite.

{i work for microsoft}

i work for microsoft and i am s.a.s.s.y. the range of moral greyness when it comes to cheating, cutting corners, etc. is pretty relative and squishy. i realized today that the media covers microsoft with the same interest as they cover j. lo. wow. i guess i can say i’m still bethg from the block or something like that. another obligatory cat picture. i’ve been heads down in mobile devices for so long, i honestly didn’t give much thought to the other microsoft products. every it pro’s dream - a microsoft employee who is all ears! but after law and order is over. law and order = crack/cocaine. ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! 82 second chunks. ice cream! cookies! ribs! ice cream! snacks! snacks! there's a lecture on microsoft campus this week: robotic pets and human lives. i dunno. i throw fun parties for marketing purposes. worked at the battery park starbucks for most of the day. met a nice guy who is running a start up. a tech startup. i’m not a developer, exsqueeeeeze me. it’s a truly triangulated relationship. i’m not sure this is necessarily true and it’s just a thought, least that is what i tell people. i dunno, but all the other web bloggers and web people really love me. they love me! you love me! i love me! everything is just a free license to be completely self-centered and doe-eyed. and there’s much much more - but i’m drawing a blank. i am so s.a.s.s.y (short attention span syndrome yo). it’s been a strange week. do not ever make me mad. ice cream! benadryl. claritin. dayquil. contact. ribs! ribs! ice i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks. ice cream! snacks! snacks! oh need dramamine. i honestly didn’t give much thought to the other microsoft products (oh - except xbox of course). i’ve already sent mail to a bunch of user group leaders and mvps asking about this amazing thing called windows. all i can say is they all made me feel loopy and nauseous. why i love my tablet pc! reason 3,642: the problem was it didn’t work at all. only the control alt delete button worked. fujitsu said it was bad hardware and sent me a new unit. so tired. going to take the night off. back tomorrow. [pause] back. i had dinner with six folks who represented a spectrum of computer enthusiasts and was able to listen and learn a lot about windows. also went to the grand opening of another apple store this morning. one word: kewl. i have noticed a lot of microsoft products seem to ship with less and less documentation. i may be exposing myself as an uber geek (if i haven’t already), but i will hang out with a manual to a new product for a couple of days, usually reading it before bed. the customer is always talking and it’s important to listen. i have caller id and don’t pick up unless i recognize the number. i wish i had a comments section and i would genuinely like to post a mail me link, however, with the harvesters crawling the web grabbing email addresses for spamming, i hesitate. scooter, audrey and possum. just one word: powerstrip. it’s all about the powerstrip here. since i’m going to be on the road - this is a good chance for me to have a bunch of virtual pen pals. well kids, i’m going through demo hell. found out this week that i spend most of my time living below the line and at this point i see even more possibilities for integration. law and order comes on in an hour. but i can’t wait to get home and post my sony pet robot pictures. my outlook web access is down and i keep checking to see if it’s back up. obligatory cat picture. one word: starbucks. two words: phlegmy cough. when buying dog toys one must always remember there is a delicate balance between fluff and squeak. sorry i’ve been remiss in posting. worship me. i feel somehow like i’ve lost i.q. points. another obligatory cat picture. hi i’m beth and i’m a tvholic. it’s just like one more big reality tv show. i have a seriously short attention span. oh drugs scare me. i mean - wow - some of this shit is really really amazing. tap click. erase repeat. must go reboot, my brain. it’s all catching up with me. trimeth-sulfur. i’m da bunny. big demo time, demo over. no more demos for awhile. this week i again tried benadryl, claritin, dayquil and contact. all i can say is they all made me feel loopy and nauseous. and oh i still have a stuffy nose, sore throat, achey head and phlegmy cough. ever since my segway arrived i’ve begun walking more. and i’ve been hunkered down in mobile devices for so long, i honestly didn’t give much thought to the other microsoft products. on the other hand when when i decided i was going to get super proficient with visio, i did have to get myself a book and actually read it, actual words and stuff. one word: starbucks. i’m in an alternate parallel universe. i dreamt that alligators tried to eat my cat. tap tap click. erase repeat. must go reboot, my brain. i’m sick. i tried dramamine, benadryl, claritin, dayquil, contact and some generic stuff from the med cabinet at work. now my head hurts. hey a big shout out to all the people who have sent me mail with product feedback! it’s cool to look at microsoft windows through your eyes. but i feel somehow, like i’ve lost i.q. points. ribs! ribs! ice cream! ice cream! ribs! ribs! ice cream! ice cream! cookies! ribs! ice cream! snacks! snacks! important lunch. i realized while i’m on the road i should see if i can meet up with some of the folks who blog around the country. fun to hear stories about big blue’s early days. important dinner. fun to hear the ups and downs over the years with microsoft. stood at a kiosk today for seven hours. took down some comments from the people i chatted to. figuring out a way to post my notes. ice cream! i got seriously cheated in the sprinkles department. i work for microsoft. law and order comes on in an hour and i still haven’t walked the dog. obligatory cat picture. another important dinner, food was great. i wish i could think blog. i do it all day. walking around thinking oh i need to blog about this or blog about that. i have premier status and usually sit in economy plus which is like the crack/cocaine of the flying world. it’s not about loyalty it’s about leg room. zounds!!!! photos: lets play where in the world is beth? can you guess where i am? math, it also makes my head hurt. catprin pictures. oh ice cream! i spend most of my time living below the line, moving around little rocks with a dull saw. at any rate a couple days later i make my way to barnes and noble and pick up a copy of this old cd. i tried to download it off of apple music service, but glitch. it’s definitely my fav album. microsoft tech hell. i just had the worst 72 hours of technology. more later. i have a seriously short attention span. trip to target and best buy. a photo essay. i’m only able to focus on any given topic in 82 second chunks. i love the ways in which technology is continually reinventing itself. google is god. demo. i was so freakin’ nervous. this is an amazing group of people i’m with and i hope i was able to add some goodness to the day. doh! 82 second chunks. oh ice cream time! stress! thank goodness for a well stocked mini-bar. scoble is a bully. i’m hooked on yet another tv show. but i love me! i love me! you love me! ice cream! had breakfast, lunch and a big dinner with local user groups and mvps. another obligatory cat picture. i was able to buy a couple of sugarcubes songs from apple music service just in time to head back out on the road. my outlook web access is down and i keep checking to see if it’s back up. i am soooooo s.a.s.s.y (short attention span syndrome yo). but i happen to work for microsoft. i think now that’s like magic or something like that. zounds!!!! i dunno but send me yes vibes if you hear me knockin’...

posted by Beth Gozza (flashgoirl)  
