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Bekky's web site =D

Bekky's gallery of art and amusing things

Here, there are some images I've drawn on my computer, using the graphics pad my dad bought for me....the other images are just interesting ones.....oh and Mr. Thribble is my hand scanned in the computer....Me, Rob, Skeet and Mini (mwah) did that when the school caught on fire one day, long ago....**sigh** :)

Anger in me

Fleeing fox from hounds

Peppy's been in chemical labs all his life

Ronnie the schizoid rodent

Tippys wish of greed

Ying-yang-choi the cat

this is Mr. Thribble.. 

This is Jeepers the cat

Aww look how cute!

..look at this GIGANTIC cat!

Bekky the cat freak

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5 Things that piss me off this week
