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Banquo Bardolph

should have fur and stuff...

Banquo Bardolph’s birthplace and parents are unknown to him. He was put into the slave pens at a very young age. He can only assume it was his parents that put him there, since he was too young to remember. At the age of six a Japanese man came to the slave pens looking for a child he could train in his ancient art, because he had no children of his own. He saw Banquo and decided to adopt him.

The man’s name was Kamisaka Katsuyoshi and his art was ninjutsu. Over the next few years, Banquo learned the many secrets of this ancient art. Among other things, he learned to kill without being seen or heard How learned patience and he learned honour.

At the age of thirteen his master took a mission to retrieve vital plans from a military warlord. He accomplished his mission, but was wounded badly while doing so. He died the next day.

When his master died, Banquo was forced to make his own way in the world. He began taking on missions to assassinate people’s enemies. He mostly only kills for semi nobly causes. At first he did not know what he was doing, and now sports several scars on his chest and arms. But he has gotten better at it and is becoming quite a good ninja.

Some random facts
Sex: male
He’s straight
Birthday: August 25

he carries two extremely short swords. some might call them daggers.. and they wouldn't exactly be wrong. they are about a foot long and an inch thick. He also has a beutiful dagger with many gems. he got it for his birthday. All three daggers have been blessed by a priest, and so can kill demons.

side gear: carries several shiruken, (ninja throwing stars for you people that don't know)some blow darts, with a poison on them that weakens you and dulls your sences so that you move slowly. And he has a lot of rope

he has some scrolls with magical abilities. he doesn't know what they are until he uses them, as they are used up once they are read.

his hands and feet could also be considered weapons. he is pretty skilled in ninjutsu.

he has a piece of ivory with a dragon and a tiger carved into it. It has no apparent use.