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Lacey Jo and Pav

Here is the Story, I am a military guy, stationed in Idaho and I have found my love in Michigan. The story behind it is quite an interesting dilemma....It all started when we were about 8 years old, our older sisters got to writing each other. Well Lacey wanted someone to write to also, and the lucky man was me (not that I could have fathomed exactly how lucky i was at the time.) Anyways, the two of us start writing each other and just so happens that i end up coming to Michigan from England for the fact that my grandfather was dying. Well we hooked up at a bible camp that neither of us were thrilled to go to but didn’t want to leave by the end of the day. Well lets just say that went pretty good, finally meeting the person that i had spent about a year writing to. I ended up getting together with lacey at every chance I could when I came to Michigan, my particular memory is when we went to see Beauty and the Beast and i started my childhood routine of being a little shit throwing my candy (sour patch kids) into her popcorn. I have always been a candy before popcorn person, so she deserved it. This little routine continued through that movie as well as Jurassic Park and A Christmas Story all of which are currently on my to own list for these reasons. Well eventually I ended up moving to Michigan also. I lived about an hour and a half from Lacey, unfortunately nothing came of me being so close. We were both in middle school and obviously not driving or I am sure that we would have been in very close contact. Anyhow my residence there was quite short, about 3 years or so. Then I was off to good old North Dakota. Well North Dakota for sure but the good old is up for debate. Anyways we were on MSN messenger on night and she told me that she was involved with a guy named Jeff, needless to say I was nothing other than heartbroken. Well still being young (I was but a Junior in high school) I figured I would try to get back at her. So I hooked up with someone who physically looked like what I was able to remember of Lacey. She was a fiery red-head named Hillary. Let's just say that it was a mistake. Apparently I hurt Lacey. I thought I was in love with Hillary, but trying to replace someone will really mess with your head and make you attempt to manifest feelings that you had for the original person onto who you have at the time. Hillary and I both ended up with rings (thankfully I realized that she wanted something from me, a way out of North Dakota and a child. Although this was not what I wanted I kept her around for a while.) I joined the Air Force and went down to San Antonio, Texas to start basic military training. That went pretty good. Well after my six and a half week cake walk (I mean "six and a half weeks of thought love") I was off to Goodfellow AFB in San Angelo, Texas (AKA the armpit of the earth) for Fire Fighter training. Again went pretty good a little tougher than basic but oh well, right? Well I went back to North Dakota to see my parents before they went off to Turkey for two years. Well what do you know I get stationed right where Hillary's family is going for Christmas (it is December 2002) so they decide to come with me. Well to my surprise Hillary had purchased her engagement ring on her credit card while I was gone. So of course I did what I thought I was supposed to and presented it to her. Well besides for the fact that she had no taste in rings we had other problem as mentioned above, I just tried to fool myself into not seeing them. Anyway I ended up breaking things off with her before we were even "engaged" for a single month (a big reason is she didn’t like on of my collections, that is being tattooed white trash!) I then end up in Michigan in the beginning of April of 2003 and talk to my family who state that I should look Lacey up again. Well I did only to find out that she was still right where I left her. I tried to call her to see if she wanted to get together while I was there and all I got was a busy signal every time. My poor little brain was taking this as though she was involved with someone and I was too late. Thankfully when I tried to call her when I got back to Idaho I ended up with another busy signal i was once again crushed. I ended up calling her dad's house and talked to her sister, who said she would pass along my message and my phone number. Well me being as impatient as I am I once again tried to call Lacey, it RANG! My heart stopped for a second, I couldn't believe I was about to be speaking to the person that I had already promised my life to as a child. I had always told her that I would be there when she graduated with a ring in hand, unfortunately this is one promise that I can't fulfill, I am unable to get out to Michigan for that weekend. Well the promise won't be completely unfulfilled, but we will leave that one for now. So back to the story I have her on the phone, it has now been almost 3 years since her and i lasted even e-mailed. During the conversation we both realized that things really hadn't changed with us but our lives had drastically changed. We figured that with being able to pickup a conversation after 3 years like we had just spoke the day before that something must be there. So during the course of the next few weeks we had very long conversations and very deep and serious e-mails going back and forth. Talking for no less than about three hours a day. I finally get the nerve to accept rejection again so I told her that I would be honored if she would spend the rest of her life with me, and as the song goes "she said YES! I said wow. She said when, and I said how about right now!" Well of course it couldn't work out that smooth. We settled on the beginning of October. Again things never work out extremely smooth on the first shot do they? Her mom and step-dad happen to be moving in October so we said that we could A) move it up or B) move it back. Being young and in love neither one of us want to move it back, so we tried again this time for 11 August, we are still waiting to see how that date works out. Her sister has some finals for college to take and wants to be part of the ceremony. We are hopping and praying that she can take them early.

days lacey gets here
