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Name: Ashton Prudence Mercinek

Nickname: Asphyxia

Age: Sixteen (but she was born on a leap year)

Height: Five foot, five inches

Weight: One Hundred, Twenty-four pounds

Hair Color: Naturally Brown but Dyed Blonde

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Place of Birth: Manhattan Island, New York City, New York

Date of Birth: February 29, 1988

Personality: She is a cynical loner, but does not blame others for her problems unless they directly cause them. She speaks her mind, but usually knows when to keep quiet. She's an intellect, but does not try to show off what she does know. She doesn't think she's better than anyone, but she doesn't consider others better than her. She is sarcastic and quick witted with a wicked sense of humor and a taste for curse words. She has a violent temper and can't always control it with a love for anything fiction so long as it isn't romance novels or anything similar to that.

Sexual Preference: Unknown

Family: She is an only child with somewhat hippy parents. They allow her to do what she wants when she wants so long as she doesn't end up in jail. They're the kind of parents that would rather be friends than parents. She calls them by their first names, Shelly and Dan.

History: She grew up as a basic child of the world. Her parents always wanted to be her friend so she was hardly ever punished and given more freedom than most of her peers. She was always encouraged to be herself.

Her parents had picked out two names before she was born-one for a boy and one for a girl. When the time came to give her a name on her birth certificate, her mother said the boy's name and then the girl's-being slightly drugged up on pain killers and everything-giving her a slightly odd first and middle name.

In school she was the weird girl that sat in the back and didn't talk. She wouldn't even talk when the teachers asked her questions. The only time she did talk was when she felt the class needed to know the correct information if someone was misinformed. Other than that, she sat in the back and read.

When she was fifteen, her power presented itself. She was walking to class one day when someone ran into her. Instead of the kid making a rude comment to her, he started to choke. Confused, she just kept on walking. But it got worse.

When the guidence counselor called her down to his office to talk, he put his hand on her arm. His eyes went wide and he couldn't breathe. He passed out as she jumped up and ran out of the room. The paramedics were called and said it was as if he had drowned, though he was clearly in his office.

She hid her powers from everyone but her parents, though she isn't exactly friends with them. Oddly enough, they accepted her being a mutant and even decided to send her to a special school for mutants; Xavier's Institue for Gifted Youngsters.

Power: She has the power of asphyxiation by touch. When she touches someone, the concentration of oxygen in the blood decreases while the concentration of carbon dioxide increases. If she touches someone for a few seconds, it causes minor choking, or temporay loss of breathe. If she touches them for longer periods of time, it can lead to them blacking out or even dying.

She can't control her power. She also cannot make skin to skin contact with anyone. She gains nothing from touching a person except the knowledge that she may kill them.