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Artizle's Home Page

Here's The Latest and Greatest:

    Ok guys There are a shit load of new pictures of chris and I in Ireland as well as Rome that you all should really check out Europe Pictures

    Hey guys whats goin on? Art here all the way from Europe. (Rome to be exact) Just lettin y'all know that Ill be back in nine days or so. Im flying home to seatac on may first. YAY go me! Then it will be time to get shit streight. starting my casino job, deciding about school and how Im going to move out on my own. Anyway. just felt like I should update the 'ol website. take care. Cheers!

I have finaly posted some new pictures. Check out whats new and feel free to sign the guest book and tell me what you think about them.

Ok Im sick of fillin up my Aim profile with so manny good sayings, phrases, and quotes and then just deleting them. So heres a novel idea. Click here ... to see all of these unusuall yet intregueing things that I have collected.
WARNING: Sanity will be taken at the door.

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