June 29, 2002
Heya this really nice girl with a awsome site Madeleine
put me as her site of the month so I wanna say thank u so much :D I signed ur guestbook but I wasn't sure if it worked also I added you to the sister sites :D
Yay more peopl are comming! feel free to request for ur site but most things I make are NOT sutable for expages sorry.
I decided my main page has too many Animations so I am giving the one with the countries and the dolls at the very end away (for free) so if ya want it mail me 4 it , but again I duno if it's for expages.
so omg 11.00am 2moro WORLD CUP FINAL BABY!! haha well after that i'm probably goin 2 my friends for the nite so yano.. well i'm off again peopl so cya. Suzi

June 28, 2002
I got up at 2.00pm, 2day!! I duno y I was so tired but I was! neway the World Cup Final is getting closer come on Brail! o 2 bad things happened , not very bad but still ... 1 Ronaldo has a minging new haircut!! y??!! n he's married with a kid! y?!??! it's sooo unfair I tell ya but still he's still FINE!! ok well no one really come's to my site will ne body tell me how I can get loadsa hits? I mean I want people to come here!! but those of you who have thank you!! o i'm working on some more layouts in the advanced section! so feel free to go n look around! I made sum cute doll stuff (below) ya like? want sumthin simalar to them or anything else?? my *you* menu has a request page so go on... request!! well I don't have much else to say.. 2moro is Saturday I mite go shopping r sumthin .. I dunno rite now my hair is wet from my shower n i'm cold sorry bout me boring ya .. ok well i'm off cya Suzi.

June 27, 2002
Hey wow you peopl r a bit critasizing! (r howevea you spell it!!) Sum 1 said the colors were bad n other were like crap , it suxs n so on but if ya don't like it leave goodbye , adios , cya , au revior ya know? I mean don't bother trying to put me down this is how I like my site to b , I LIKE the colors n y does it suk? I mean if ur gunna write it's bad it sux's then at least say y! r mayb give out ur site's url hmm?? lets see how gr8 ur's is!!?!? n yeh it is my pic , n I kno i'm not very attractive!! but at least i'm real ok?! neways peopl try b nice sign the gbook I was out all day 2day I saw SPIDERMAN!! wahoo!! haha sorry .. it was pretty good auctually n I decided Toby Maguire is pretty sexy!! o well ... not very many peopl cum here , n the one's who do critasize it! so cum on peopl b nice , lighten up it the Summer hols after all!! neways cya.

June 26, 2002
Hey quick update so I added Spain foto's! quick I know! sum are a bit blurry but I don't care. I'm gunna try add my hockey foto's now so they shud b done by 2moro fingers crossed. ok 2moro.... I'm goin into town wit Collette to shop duh!!! o also I found a camera (another one!!!!) which I was using b4 Spain n den lost it! *dumbass* so now I hav 8 foto's left n den i'l get it devolped so watch this space neways gotta go watch Big Brother xx00xx Suzi

June 25, 2002
Heya People! ya miss me?! I was in Spain it was gr8 I was in Majorcia in Santa Ponsa! n the weather was gr8 too! I got a good tan yay! n bought sum deadly clothes. I took sum pics too so they shud b up here next week. It's good to b bak but I still miss Spain o n speakin of evil Spain they knocked us outa da world cup! omg the evilness 1. we deserved to win cuz we were the better team on the day n 2. it was penilties grr! but haha Spain got knocked out in the next round in penilties!! so I am a full fledged Brazil supporter now , I luv that team n I may b the only 1 but I find half of the team SEXY! espicly Ronaldo!! mmm sexual eh??
o on my pics I hav physcosue.dot.nu I dunno if its workin is it? neways well in Spain we went to get my family present's , (just me n my mum went) so on the 1st day we went shoppin n asked the taxi driver for a department store that our rep had given us the name of. There must hav been 2 branches of that shop n he took us 2 the smaller one , a few days l8r we wanted to go bak their n we got another taxi n the driver took us 2 the other branch so we were like wha???!! evil taxi's I tell ya!! ... I wud write more but I only got back 2day I was up at 8:00 am n was in a airport for aggggggggggges so me=VERY tired adios 4 now.

June 13, 2002
Hey! omg Science was tres simple! seriously we were asked shit like how may planets are their , how many days in a year!! but my evil supervisor gave me higher paper to begin with by mistake! I was like sory but no!! wat else .. Roisin (under photos) lives in my estate n we had 2 b in at 2.00pm 2day for Science so she came over b4 to do my hair , cuz it was all messy! so after awhile we were like wha time is it? 1.40!! CRAP!! so we had to run (we live 3 minutes away from the school) ya just go to the top of this lane n thou a side gate n ur at the skool , so we was runnin n these guys started whistlin n we was like if we weren't so outa breath we mighta whistled , we made it on time thou but it was funny.

later I was locked out for half a hour .. long story. den I went to Nutgrove Shopping Center to get Tori's birthday pressie n people were like "wow aren't her jean's gorgeous?" I was wearin American flag jean's from Italy! GO AMERICA! haha i'm such a l0ser!! well gotta go. luv ya's lots like jelly tot's but not as much as vodka shotz :p

June 12, 2002
I got all my foto's uploaded but they take agggges to load!! does ne1 know any idea's to make em quicker?? OMG I'm so pissed off I look HORRIBLE! in all the pics I hav on disk's but cuz I dunno how 2 use my fuckin scanner I can't put up one's of me lookin half decent! *sob* neway's my mum's gettin a man ova to teach me after SPAIN!! but i'm bringin a camera wit me neways so i'l hav more pics to put up then aswell!!

O on Saturday i'l b v busy god help me! .. 1st hairdresser , the beutitian .. then piercing shop then Spain shopping! incase yur wudering the piercing shop is cuz they gotta take out my belly ring cuz I can't! heheh i'm such a l0ser. well i'm off 2 learn my science yes I'm learning a 300 page book in 2hours! but it'l b grand cuz I do ordianary! i'm such a slacker. ENERGY IS THE ABILITY TO DO WORK! ya c their is a brain in here .. sumwhere~~!!~~ well cya.

June 11, 2002
Heya I moved from expage's to here basicly cuz expage gives you like 0 space! n it's all nech! messy! I wanna get lots of hits on this site cuz i'm not fake or bitchy or nething and i'd like to do lotsa lin exchanges. so ne volenteers?? hand's high now .. no?? oh well mayb wen I start gettin hit's. So news.. I put sum photo's taken in March up. I had them saved to a disk not my *new* :D scanner which I hav no idea how to work which sux cuz I wanna show ya'll rencent pics from my birthday (May 11th 2002) keep up people!! I made a sexy new button!

I got my junior cert exams at the moment! me=screwed! the junior cert exmas are exam's people around the age of 15 or 16 take I duno wat their called anywhere else GCSE'S? mayb for England I duno. neways it was tres funny , me n my friend Caroline were messin around b4 r french exam n I was like "Bonjouir j'mapelle screwed" n she wud say "o salut ca va screwed?" which mean's hi my name is screwed n then hi screwed how our you? , n b4 our Irish exam I was like "high screwed is anim dom" (hi my name is screwed n she said "mise screwed fresin" (i'm screwed too) we were crackin up it was funny at the time k? :P t'l she wrecked it by sayin it in German n I don't do German so I was like damn it I got no reply!! wat else we can wear our own clothes , eat , drink n leave wen we want! which is cool , o n wen Ireland were playin Saudi's (world cup) people I said keep up! , the supervisor walked around wit a sheet saying IRELAND: 3 - SAUDI: 0 that was cool I make blinkie's if ne1 want's one just request it don't cost nething! well i'm dying my gruige (hair in irish) BLONDE blonde hopefully on Saturday so wish me luck haha! cya soon , but not too soon hopefully :P Suzi