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Please pay a visit to our new sponsor, HALO CANDY.

Hello there, welcome to the ASC.

We are a Confederacy based on pointing out to the world it's worst mistake. The creation of Stephen (*cough* Faggot *cough*). Some may know him as Nubb, but we here at the ASC like to call him, Gay.

We need to stop this virus called Steve inorder to preserve peace, freedom and justice. Should we fail, more people will somehow become friends with Steve and fall into the twisted world otherwise known as Halo. So please, join us in the fight against the most retarded person alive, Steve.

Now, in order to do this we are going to obviously need an Army to be formed to fight Steve. It's really just to rub in how many people actually hate him so he can start to realize how much he is pissing a lot of people off. Anywho where was I? Right, any ways all you need to do is go to the sign up page for instructions on how to join.

NEWS 9.15.03 Rants

Well after cleaning my hard-drive and discovering a certain 142 MB's of pure anime goodness of my brother's, I decided to update ye old site. Yeah I lot of things have happened since I last updated...but I'm not exactly here to be telling my story, no no no. The purpose of this site is and always has been to discredit a TROLL known as StePHen. This little shit is a pain in my ass that only gets worse with each passing day, I eagerly await his demise. Any ways, I decided to come up with a list of reasons as to why I hate him which can be found here: I hate steve.


NEWS 12.10.02 Comics, bitch.

I have the very first comic done ahead of schedule. It is short but I had to compensate as I am working on making graphics for it (text bubbles, canvas, etc.) I plan to update the comics section with a new comic at least once a week. Also, pay a visit to our new Sponser, look up for the link.

NEWS 12.9.02 Re-opening

Today marks a great day for mankind. I have reopened the ASC website which shall be a front for our battle against Halo, dirtbikes, pizza, and above-all, STEVE. From here on out I encourage fellow ASC followers to do the best they can in making fun of Steve in any way possible. Should we decide to be lazy and give up in our battle surely Halo will overrun our lives forcing us to battle the Covenant for the rest of eternity.

I'm begging anyone who is reading this, make fun of STEVE as much as possible PLEASE DAMNIT! We haven't much time, Halo 2 will be released next June and if we do not have enough followers, we shall surely perish...

Tomorrow or something I will begin work on a "comic" type thing for the roller coaster ride using the people that are in the picture. I should have the first comic up by Tuesday or Wednesday.
