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Anthony Howell

A MESSAGE FOR EVERYONE WHO THINKS ANTHONY HOWELL IS SEXY: VOTE FOR ANTHONY HOWELL TO BE THE SEXIEST MAN ON BRITISH TV! (he's something like the seventh or eighth on the list you'll see) SO FAR, HE IS BEATING RONAN AND OTHERS, MAKE HIM BEAT THEM ALL! (I CAN'T DO IT ALONE!) It all started in 2000 when my grandmother took me to Stratford-upon-Avon. The first play we saw was ‘As You Like It’ by the RSC (with Anthony in the lead part as Orlando.) My gran had said to me, you’ll like this guy, but she wasn’t talking about Anthony but David Tennant (who would later be in Foyle’s War with Anthony.) Anyway, as soon as the play started I was captivated. Not only because Anthony was topless, a brilliant thing though may I add, but because he was soooo gorgeous AND such a great actor to boot! In the interval, I ran to the shop and bought a copy of every postcard featuring him in any way shape or form. The next night, we saw ‘A Comedy of Errors.’ My gran said to me that afternoon, “Oh, that guy you like is in tonight’s play too!” And he was. His part wasn’t so major in this one, but he was still as gorgeous as ever (even with his dodgy hairstyle!) I was hooked. At the end of the play, we were given a questionnaire to fill out and I mentioned how I liked Anthony on it. I came out of the theatre, and I spotted the actor who had played the twins’ father in the play. I ran over and got his autograph. Then I looked to where he had been coming out of THE STAGE DOOR! “Oh my god!” I thought “I could meet Anthony.” But he’d already left, as the other people waiting there told me. I was devastated. But not for long, the next day we went to see ‘Romeo and Juliet.’ I nearly screamed when Benvolio came on stage, it was Anthony! And what was even better was that I was sitting next to this platform thing where the actors walked on and off! I nearly had a heart attack during one of the scenes when I spotted Anthony next to me, waiting for his cue! Anyway, after this performance I ran out to my new found home (the stage door.) I waited, and waited and waited then…………… Anthony came out. I was too nervous to even say hello to him. But then I thought, what the hell, you’ll only get this chance once and went over. He gave me his autograph twice, once on a postcard and once on my programme. He wrote “To Laura, Best Wishes Anthony Howell.” I chatted to him about ‘Wives and Daughters’ for a few minutes, after which he said ‘goodbye Laura.’ And disappeared into the night. I didn’t sleep that night! The next day I went home, but the pen he’d used and his autograph stayed firmly in my hand. I had been back for about two weeks, when a brown envelope arrived. I open it and inside was an autographed picture of Anthony Howell! (I’ll scan it in soon!) And he’d even addressed the envelope himself (– the sweetheart!) Anthony enjoyed playing Roger because he was "an unheroic hero.... He is a very good man; he has a lot of integrity. He's honest and he's down to earth, but he's never ambitious. Within the family, all the praise is heaped on Osborne, the older son, so Roger is something of an underdog." Roger Hamley was his first major television role. "I'd just got back from touring the world for 12 months in Robert Le Page's Geometry of Miracles when I went for the audition. I thought 'I'll never get a great part in a classic BBC drama.' I was simply bowled over when I heard I'd got the part." The season at Stratford ended a while ago, (although they are still selling the postcards with him on, as I was there a few days ago and bought yet ANOTHER set.) Since then, he’s gone back to telly work, following on his career from ‘Wives and Daughters.’ Many actors take the time out to perform in RSC productions and go back to telly and film. Recently I met Ralph Fiennes, after a performance of ‘Brand’ in Stratford (he looks like Robson Green) and strangely enough he is seeing Francesca Annis who was in ‘Wives and Daughters’ with Anthony! STRANGE! Anthony is currently working on Foyle’s War, the second series. Below is a list of his theatre, television and film credits: THEATRE Year Theatre Company/ Name of Play Character 2000 Royal Shakespeare Company/ As You Like It Orlando 2000 Royal Shakespeare Company/ Comedy of Antipholus of Ephesus Errors 2000 Royal Shakespeare Company/ Romeo and Benvolio Juliet 1997? World Tour Geometry of Miracles TELEVISION "Foyle's War" (2002) TV Series (filming) .... Paul Milner Other Boleyn Girl, The (2003) (TV) .... William Carey "Ultimate Force" (2002) (mini) TV Series .... Sam Leonard "Wives and Daughters" (1999) (mini) TV Series .... Roger Hamley "Helen West" (2002) playing "Dinsdale Cotton" in episode: "Shadow Play" (episode # 1.2) 13 May 2002 [guest appearance] Anthony Howell - born: 1971, in the Lake District, England. Anthony Howell, sex god! Boo hoo, no pictures of him topless! Have to keep the image to myself then! But I'll give you a full body shot!

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