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Ch3LL3 & P@UL

CH3LL3 & P@UL F0R3v3R!!!


! Kn3w !t Fr0M Th3 St@art
Th@t OuR L0V3 !s TrU3
H@v!nG YoU !s @ Bl33S!nG
@ HuNdR3d T!m3s AnD m0r3
Sh@r!nG @ll Th3 m3mori3s tog3th3r
@nD Th3 L0v3 Th@t !s TrU3
Ly!nG h3r3 !n my b3d @ll n!ghT
Th!nk!nG @boUt You.
W!sh!nG YoU w3r3 h3r3 r!gHt By My s!d3
s@y!nG ! L0V3 YoU
@ ThoUs@nD M!l3s @p@rT
BuT 0uR L0v3 St!LL K33p Us Thr0uGh
HoP!nG ThAt OuR LoV3 WiLL Last,

@s Th3 D@ys G03s On
OuR L0v3 St@y StRoNg
YoU WeRe ThE OnLy TrUe LoV3
That i Am AsKiNg FoR
WiShInG W3 CoUld B3 !n 3@cH 0tH3rS

AnG3LiQ`s Pr@y3r

Bless him


Heavenly father,full of grace Bless my boyfriend`s handsome face Bless his hair that sometimes curls Keep him away from other girls Bless his hands which are so strong May they stay where they belong Bless his eyes which tend to roam Keep them from seeing what isn`t shown Bless this guy I love to clench Bless histongue I love to french Bless this guy I wish to marry Bless his children I`ll someday carry and if he should ever read this prayer of mine. Bless the thoughts that enter his mind

I LoVe YoU So MuCh B@BeS

H@v!Ng SoM3oN3 L!k3 YoU !s
OnC3 !n @ L!f3 T!m3
Th@t's WhY ! WoN'T L3T Go
Of YoU CoZ ! n33d
YoU, ! W@nT YoU, ! LoV3 YoU
& ! W@nT To Sp3nT M@h
L!f3 W!tH YoU FoR3v3r.