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THE DARK CARNIVAL td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000" colspan="2">
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..:: Record: ::.. 0-0

..:: People Mentioned: ::.. A LOT Here

..:: People Used ::.. The Dark Carnival

..:: Scene ::.. If your mentioned hey be glad your mentioned

..:: Achievements: ::..loki former IC champ, and Poot and Bones former Tag Champs and NEW WOMENS CHAMPION LEXI

Dark Carnival
..::|Scene|::.. The scene opens with Lexi and Loki walking down the hall. Lexi has on a white tank and baggy black pants. Loki is sporting black shorts and a psychopathic jersey. The two are just chatting away as they walk down the hall.

Lexi: So you ready for our next match against Syn and Esmeralda?

Loki: Oh yea I am. That match last week was kinda ridiculous. And Im sickof those two running in for each other. Cant Esmeralda wrestle and win her own matches?

Lexi: Yea ya know Im not sure but now that you mention it every match me and her ever had together she had someone run in on. That Syn guy always does it. And ya know I am getting pretty sick of it too. Luckily next time they will both be in the ring with us.

Loki: The good thing about this match is at least no one can do a run in. They will both be there.

Lexi: I pretty much just said that

Loki: OH

Lexi: Dork, and ways it will be so great to beat them two once again. I mean a ego-tard and a complete psycho isnt that hard to beat ya know.

As the two are chatting they see Bones talking to some chick in the hallway the two never seen before. They go walking up to him to see what hes up too.

Loki: Hey Bones what ya doing?

Bones: oh yo this is Bambi, She just joined the fed. Im just welcoming her here.

Bambi: OH my let me guess your Lexi and Loki right?

Lexi: Yup, nice to meet you.

Bambi: Hmm well I wish I could say likewise however, I heard all about you, and Ya know my friend.........

Lexi: (interrupting)Wait wait wait hold on, whos this friend of yours

Bambi: Hmm well I guess youll find that out soon enough now wont you.. Bones if you will excuse me, I gotta get to my meeting and sign my contract. Ill see you around more hopefully.

Lexi: Who the hell was that.

Loki: Bones why is it you always go for half crazy chicks.

Bones: Hey man that chick is one freaky bitch, she was talking about doing a whole bunch of kinky stuff. If shes giving Im taking ya know. I dont need a comitment I just need a good....

Lexi: Alright your done, Come on Lok, we gotta get to the gym to work out.

Loki: K, see ya later Bones.

The two walk away with the camera picking up this new diva Bambi, and Candy in the far back by the locker room door. Laughing and pointing at the two. They then disappear into their locker room as Lexi and Loki go outta view. The scene then fades to commercials.