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Kit: welcome to my wonderful story. Please R&R. If any questions, email me at


Chapter 1

Setting: sometime in June in a high school

Normal POV

A knock at the door shakes Kit from her day dream. A tall young man waited at the door. He had long, platinum blonde layered hair, and a deep raspy voice ------ “I need to see Kit”

Kit’s POV

I wondered who the hell wanted to talk to me. I picked up my books and walked out of the classroom thinking ----I didn’t skip any classes, or provoke any trouble----

Normal POV

The young man led Kit down the hall. “You’re probably wondering why I came for you”

“Um, yeah.” answered Kit.

“I need to take you to my place.”

Kit’s POV

I replied “Ok” thinking that I have nothing to lose. After walking through the halls and exiting the school, it hit me. Something about him wasn’t right. He reminded me of someone, something---- but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. We got into his shiny black car and with the heat in the car, we both took our coats off. Then, I saw it. The Millennium Ring. I couldn’t believe it. I had to be dreaming. But I wasn’t and it was still there, hanging around the guy’s neck. Luckily, he had his eyes on the road and didn’t notice me. When I finally collected my thoughts, I asked “What’s your name?”

“Oh, sorry. I’m Bakura. I should’ve introduced myself earlier.”

With his eyes still on the road, he couldn’t see the expression on my face. No way. I couldn’t believe it. This is too freaky. That’s when I opened the door of the moving car and jumped out. I landed on the sidewalk parallel to the road, but I fell due to how fast the car was going. I ran as fast as I could towards the school. I didn’t know what to do. The time between me running and getting to the school seemed like forever. With so much adrenaline in my blood, I was able to run top speed to the school. As I walked through the empty halls, I’m thinking to myself ----maybe someone is just playing a prank on me. Then I shouldn’t freak out about it. Wow. I just can’t believe he was Bakura. That’s just really weird. I don’t think I’ll be able to watch Yu-gi-oh after school today, I might freak out.

“Oh, so you’re going to make it hard are you? Well, we’ll just see who wins this fight” a voice said out of nowhere.

“What the ---” I turned around, saw no one and stopped walking. At this point, I’m hyperventilating . I just had an incident with ‘Bakura’ and now I’m hearing his voice in my head? I can’t take this. The bell rang, signaling for me and others to move to their next class. Fortunately, I had lunch and I had time to collect my thoughts on this whole ordeal.

“ Hey Kit, what’s up? Dreaming of Joey again?” Kyah said from behind me.

And for once I wasn’t thinking of Joey. Wait a minute, maybe I should’ve gone with that psychopath ‘Bakura’ . I might have been able to meet Joey. That would be so sweet-----but risking my life and hoping for the impossible? Too bad it’s never going to happen. Then again, what have I got to lose? My life is already as boring as it is. “Yeah, just thinking about Joey.” I replied to Kyah as we got our lunch. I kept attempting to decide whether or not I should’ve gone with Bakura. I wondered if Kyah would think I’m a nut case if I told her what happened. “Kyah, how would you react if you met one of the Yu-gi-oh characters? I mean, wouldn’t it be queer?”

“Well, yeah I guess so. It would be dangerous for me to meet Yami Yugi. I’d probably try to screw him and scare him off.” Kyah replied.

:: laugh :: “Yeah, but what if you met one of those psychos like Malik or Yami Bakura?” I had to ask. I was just out of ideas. I was scared to go home ---- alone. What if he was there?

“ Now THAT would be freaky. I’d be afraid they would use whips and chains!”

I spit out the milk I had been drinking. “That wasn’t funny Kyah!”

“Oh, too graphic for you? Why’d ya think of those things in the first place? Day dreaming? I should’ve known!!”

“Yeah, something like that.” I went throughout the day shaking uncontrollably. I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack. I tried to calm myself down by thinking maybe it’s just a weird coincidence ------ I mean, there’s got to be someone out there with the same name Bakura. But then I remembered the voice in my head. Maybe I was just stressed out and I imagined the voice. But nothing could persuade me and I couldn’t concentrate at all in my classes. Fortunately, the teachers didn’t bother to talk to me and there weren’t any tests to be taken. When I got on the bus to go home, I heard a deep voice behind me say “ Whips and chains, Kit.” I turned around only to see Kyah. “KYAH! Don’t do that! You scared the living daylights out of me!.” I screamed.

Kyah, being quite the day dreamer too, had thought of some things throughout the day and had to tell me about them. “If Joey used whips and chains, would you still like him?”

“You dumb-ass! What’s with you and whips and chains ?” I shuddered at the thought of Joey and those ---- accessories.

“What is wrong with you today , Kit? You’re usually trying to come up with sicker things than me! :: puts her hand on my forehead :: Nope. No fever.”

I just replied, “ I guess I’m just tired----not enough sleep last night.”

“Oooo-----did you host happy hour in your bedroom last night?”

“Kyah, I’m serious.”

“ You’re never serious.”

“Whatever.” I said and got off the bus at my stop. I got to the front door and went to get the hidden key to the house when the door opened by itself. I saw Bakura and he said in a creepy manner, “ I’ve been waiting for you.”