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... Wyverneon ...

[ Character Pictures Desired. ]
Created August 2001 (c) Shannon.

The little creature, at first glance, appeared much like an Eevee. Short brown fur covered most of her form, with the tips of her long, flopish ears being white, and this likeness was repeated on the tip of her tail and underbelly. She had a middle-lengthed muzzle, in which resided unusually sharp teeth, with an adorable black nose and bright, intelligent blue eyes - however, unlike a draconic, each beautiful orb did have a round, black pupil. It also seemed strange that she sat back on her hindlegs constantly. Her feet were also scaled and brown, particularly designed much like a parrot's in fact. There were four toes total, with two facing back and two other facing forward. Those feet ended in wickedly curved black talons, perfectly able to tear through most things when powered by those small, yet sleekly muscled thighs. The design also made her able to 'stand' on the sides of trees, like a Woodpecker, and even sleep like that. Anywho, her tail was long and brown-scaled, though the end of it was white and oddly shaped. It was like an upside down heart, white, and the pointed tip of it appeared not at all friendly. Most likely a weapon - and an effective one for sure. Although it is not known, that tip may have naturally-generated poison on it. She was awkward on the ground, but graceful in the air, for her fur ended at where her forelegs should've began. There in that spot extended large, leathery wings, that if fully stretched, spanned farther than her length and height. A furry creature of the air, darling, and lethal if underestimated.

~* Statistics *~

Element: Aethyr.
Type: Psychic/Flying.
Height: 3'2"
Weight: 28 Lbs.
Evolved From: Eevee.
Method of Evolving: Unknown.
Known Attack Listing:

[ Normal ]

[ Flying ]

[ Dark ]

[ Psychic ]

[ Aethyr ]
Wall of Ectoplasm
Shadow Body
Recall Agony
Natural Armor


- Small, yet extremely strong. Able to fly long-distance at a fast rate; uses gravity to full advantage in dive-domb like attacks. Only one ever seen before - usually sighted in forests, at lakesides or beaches. Noted to be able to varied TMs but not all. Recently shown learning use of psionics and an unknown element.

Name: Eeya, so named by a friendly Clefable. ^-^
Trainer/Owner: None.
Level: Unknown ; 70+.

~* Terms *~

SiM *Role* Play.
Ask prior trying to capture/steal.
Be intelligent in batals.
No fatals, death moves, etc.
Countdowns frowned upon.
IM RP and SLs highly welcomed.