WeLcOmE To aNnIe'S HoME pAiGE!

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I've noticed that websites that are just about the person who made it can get quite boring...like "hello, my name is blah, and i look like this: blah blah blah and my friends are this: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and i like to do this: blah blah blah and i don't like to do this: blah blah blahh....Yes u get the idea. Shut up i know you do. Oh so you want more? FINE! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH! k i'll shut up now. SO anyway since these websites about just ppl are really boring i'm working on a website that ISN'T just about me (itz hard tho since i'm such an amazing person and i know you want to know about me)anywhoo as i was saying; I'm trying to make an original website. I hear you saying to urself "original!? HAH what kind of original website has a black background and everything the same and all the buttons yappity yap yap yap blah blah" Yes i hear you saying that to urself. WELL i know itz not much yet but thatz because this is my 1st website (probably my last...now that i think about it) And so i don't know how to do anything yet. But i'm thinking; Chat rooms, guest books, games, color, magical WEBSITINESS COMING TO MY WEBSITE! ok shut up i hear you laughing. YES I HEARD THAT! So anyway i'm working on it.

--annie. The person with the soon-to-be-magical-wonderus-fun-filled-action-packed-interesting-type-unisex(what the hell...do i have to make this website sutibul for both sexes? BAH! HUMBUG!)-interesting-wait-i-said-that-already-oops-any-way-etc, etc, all-those-good-words-that-describe-my-website. Yes. From annie. The person who owns this website.

