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Welcome to the
            Harry Potter Clique

Welcome. To join the clique, you must love Harry Potter. There are no ands, ifs, or buts about it. I want everyone to be included.
Things you must do:
  • E-mail me with your diary name or site URL (or both)
  • E-mail me with the answers to the quiz (the link will be provided below, just copy and paste it into the e-mail)
  • You should have an instant messanger, and include that contact information
  • Include your first name in the e-mail.

    Once you've done all that, relax until I e-mail you back. I will evaluate your quiz and see what house you will be in. I will send you the code that you must have on your diary description. If you don't have it, I will delete you because I prune the lists evey once in a while and delete anyone who doesn't have the button I e-mailed to them on their DD.

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