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Dear Dr. Y,

Here is my final paper. I am very sorry I did not print it. It is embarassing to never have money for anything. I really appreciate your generosity and willingness to consider a paper that takes such unorthodox means to obtain. Surely, you must be accumulating some good karma for putting up with me. Knowing me, I will probably come back as the scum between someone's toes.

Once again, I am so sorry to trouble you.

Most Shamefully,

P.S. I am sorry that you were unable to attend the last class. I've really enjoyed this semester and plan to keep all of the textbooks. I didn't realize the subject could be so interesting, but it is. Maybe it was the way you presented it. Anyhow, class was always fun to attend, even when you did trick us into consuming mabuti. (I'm not sure I spelled that right.) I only wish I could have told you so in person.