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Lex rode. He had woken and hopped on his bike. He needed to find Jo. He knew Chris would leave without him if he didn't come back soon. It was morning. Lex guessed the time was about 7:00 am.  The sun trickled the grass, it was a beautiful day!

















The sun was rising faster and faster. The sunlight was very bright. The plain Lex was riding on seemed to stretch on for ever. He knew it was herbivore grazing land, so far he saw nothing. All of a sudden, Lex heard a growl, but not of hunger...of freedom.

They say some things can change a person for all time, this was one of those times. Lex saw a whole herd of Brachiosaurus grazing along the plain. The brilliant blue color scheme of the Brachiosaurus' made them blend in with the bright sky. First Lex saw one, than two... then another stretched its long neck toward Lex, then turned away.  Another sprang off his front legs and onto his back legs. He stretched its long neck over to the nearest tree and bit off a large portion of leaves. The sight was beautiful. Lex felt warm inside.

















Lex was so amazed he did something he did not do often. He got off his bike. The thundering stomps of the feet vibrated the earth below his feet. The Brachiosaur which looked at Lex was now munching away at the lower leaves on the tree. Lex stood there for a long time, watching the feeding herbivores. It was awhile until he remembered he had to find Jo. He hoped on his bike and started toward the Brachiosaurus herd.

















The tiny human rode beside the thundering dinosaur. As he got closer he saw its texture, it was scaly. The Brachiosaurus looked at Lex with cautious eyes, to him; he was just another living thing grazing.

















Lex passed a smaller Brachiosaur. He made sure he was no where near its happy wagging tail, it reminded him of his dog Terk... He was starting to miss home.

The plain ended, so did the amazement. Lex entered the forest. The floor of the forest was dark because the tree canopy above made a blanket of shade.

















The forest floor was covered with dead tree branches that had fallen off. They could have fallen off from large carnivores like Tyrannosaurus Rex's or Spinosaurus Agypticus' roaming and hunting. Lex wondered what adventure awaited him next, was Jo around the next bend? Or was a hungry dinosaur watching him from behind a bush? He didn't know... He just kept on riding.


~This is the end of this chapter!~