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*******9th of july 2002 7.32pm

hey my ppl! thk u soo much 4 visiting my lil website! i hope i didn't leave ne one out but i wrote some nice stuff bout the ppl i did include! i have no idea if this will work but i hope so, i aint done ne fing like this before but it seems to be ok well it's tuesday night and nicole is in scotland with her dad and i miss u nic but we only have three days left at skool! it's like only three days left then we have seven weeks holiday to do ne fing we want. my new baby boy is due in september to! neways i'm excited bout that and i love lil kids, they r soo adorable and cute when the aren't routing through your bedroom draws pulling shit out and throwing it all over the place, but thats a different matter! big brother is over 1/2 way through now and i am totally hooked on it but then again, so is everyone!----> spencer was fit and i wanted him to stay in 4 longer but pj isn't too bad...he reminds my of "danny" from dalton sq sorry if i am boring you but it is my site and i can write about as much crap as i like! i'm still missing nicowlie but shes back on friday : ) neways... i'm going now coz i want 2 go and get some food! buh bye for now but i will try and update this site regulary and keep u all informed! all my love, maxine xxx

*******10th of july 2002 8.56pm

hey hey pick up the fone! i'm tlking 2 rose *there you go* 2 days 2 go till skool is finished!! *yey* hannah (L)s blair...i (L) ????? pj IS fit!! jade is a silly slapper, wot a tart she is , taking EVERYTHING off. it should have been blocked out, being shown at 10pm on, today it was meant 2 be sports day and it was really sunny and the ideal weather, it hadn't rained last nite or ne fing and they "decide" that it isn't gona go ahead, leaving me with no kit or ne fing 2 do sportz in. it was our last ever pe lesson with miss riley but i dont fink that is ne fing 2 be upset about! "mrs morris" *lol* buh bye everyone c yaz love maxine xxx

*******11th of july 2002 7.55pm

*yey!!! NICOWLIE'S BACK!!! *yey* and 2morrow is the last day of skool! caitlin is going 2 canada 2morrow so she will come back all tanned. went 2 the dallas road swings 2nite with *petra, *nicole, *lauren, *lindsey, *caz and *anu! tom and jack *robert* had their head shaved *lol* music festival thing on 2 day, v boring...joe, rose and jack came in2 skool and we almost got caught so we ended up running away from the lady who gives the skool head...mrs barber! *lol* and caz drinking in the morning b4 skool to postpone her hangover...naughty naughty caroline, 2morrow is when we get pissed! *except me, i'm too gd 4 all that shit* : ) c yaz love maxine xxx

******12th of july 2002 9.16pm

so... the holidays r finally here! *whoa dude* caitlin is in the airport as i type! her flight got delayed so she's waiting until tomorrow : ( nothing really 2 say coz i am soo tired i am gona sleep soooo much these holidays!! sophie and yasmin didn't fight after school 2 nite but there were loadsa ppl hanging about! i duno if ne fing will happen 2morrow in town but just wait and c. c yaz love maxine xxx

*******14th of july 2002 4.32pm

sunday afternoon, there was no fight yesterday, sophie wasn't in town but that's probably 4 the best! i tried to scan some pictures in b4 but it didn't work : s i'm watching eastenders but it's well boring, theres always nothing 2 do on sunday's argh. ne ways i'm staying at caz's 2morrow nite in the tent...robbie like charlotte and she reckons he's fit!! *lol* *ahem* *sorry* *smiles innocently* new baby is due on september 16th and graham and susan r letting james choose his name, so far it's "tom tom" or "tarzan" *omg* c yaz love maxine xxx

*******21st ov july 2002

well it's one week ov our summer holidays over and it's going soo fast! got finished at work on saturday but i'm not too bothered coz i didn't want 2 be wrking over the holidays ne way. and 4 the pitence they payed me, it wasn't worth etting out ov bed 4! started with a cold which i'm pissed of about but it's not too bad, just got a sore throat etc. : s got my belly button periced and it didn't hurt as much as i thought it would but it hurts a little now but thats probably just coz it hasn't healed properly yet. thats bout it from me really and i cant be arsed writing ne more and i wana go watch big brithers lil brother! c yaz love maxine xxx : )

*******4th ov august 2002 10.32 pm

i have totally forgotton about this whole website thing and linzi has just told me about hers and she has updated it so i wanted to write some shit but haven't really got much time now : S ne ways i'll do some more to morrow and tell ya what i've been up to!! so nighty night love maxine xxx p.s go onto and read all about what a good mate i am!! only *smiles*

*******9th ov august 2002 11.09 am

omg!! i'm going on holiday tomorrow morning. i am starting to get excited now and cant wait to get there! *la de da* i'm in a well gd mood now! i am tired but i couldn't sleep. heartbreak high is on in 5 minutes so i'm going to go watch that bugt i will write some more on here tonight. oh yeah and plz plz plz plz plz sign my guest book!!! thnkx c yaz love maxine xxx

*******22nd of september 2002 4.31 pm

fcuk. . . i completely 4got bout all dis website shit! neways i'm here now so i'll write a little for all you to read. i'm not sure how many people still come and read my lil site but i dont mind...i only did this coz i was bored 1 day and you probably have much more exciting things to do. well...gossip...there isn't ne really. nicole and edgar have split up : S and cassie + joe r still going out...nicole has jacked her job in and dats it! neways i might be back later to tell u bout henry but i g2g now c yaz love maxine xxx

******* 23rd of november 2002 9.05pm

well it is saturday night and they have just revealed whose gonna be in the final popstars the rivals bands. i haven't really watched it but tonight it was quite good....suprisingly! the new big brother is shit with that old woman in it, anne diamond or sumit. also that fit club...more like FAT club(!) is ok. gossip..i'm goin out with rose an dnicole is going out with d. in fact, it's 3 weeks today that we've been goin out! *yey* ah well i still <3 you! im talkin to you now on msn and docton. beth said the coke advert was back on tv, you know...the 1 with the truk and santa?! it aint long to go til xmas now so i'm pretty excited!! *yay* we'll i'll c yaz love maxine xxx

*******25th of december 2002 4.28pm

i haven't blogged 4 ages! over a month since my last entry but at least i've got round to blog on this dark boxing day-night!

yesterday wz fun. i set my radio to go off at 10.20 and so i had rob ellis blastin out at me on xmas morning...which wz nice =] i stayed unda covers til about 11 then decided to venture downstairs 2 c if santa had been and delivered all my presents! lol i hav been a gd gal dis yr so i wz expectin a lot =] ha ha ha my mum had put all the presents unda tha tree on xmas eve so we had 2 sit there all through dinner tryin not to look at them cz then we'd jus wana open em but ne bro came round at jus gone half 11. he had a coffe and a fag as usual then came into the livin room where me and mum were. we all started openin all r own shit and after about 1/2 an hr...we'd finished! i got loadsa cool stuff tho like a proffesional hairdryer from hair studio and it make your hair look like you've used the ceramics! so 4 xmas lunch yesterday, we had my youngest brother(i say "young"-est but he's 3 times my age! he's 31 so not quite "young"!) yeh so ma "young" brother and my mum's ex husband and his *partner* so it wz pretty quiet but still, we all had a gd time! ppl left about 8 so i calld caz n we had a chat bout r eventful day! i then went and had a bath cz i wanted to try out my nu hair dryer!! it wrkd and well at that! i got 2 bed at bout 2 ish but i didn't care bout the time cz i wz 2 busy stuffing my face with lambrini and chocholates! but wot da hell if i put on's christmas =]nicole is cumin round 2mora and so is the rest ov ma family cz it's a kinda family pty. im gona go soon cos my hands r hurtin! lol--->i kno, i kno--->lammmme! but hey, thats how it goes (8) *the osbournes themetune* i <3 that show! c yaz love maxine xxx

********25th of december 2002 10.47pm

still boxing day-night and ive jus had my dinner! im watchin jackass i <3 dis programme 2! yeh this girl i knew a while back *not sayin exactly who* but she went 2 my primary skool and she goes to lggs now, in the year above moi, yr 11, well sum1 told me today that she did untsightly things with her electrik toothbrush if u get my drift, so 2 speak! =O i wz very shocked! *lol* my mum stil tlks 2 her mum bt lets jus say, we neva really saw eye 2 eye =] lol i've jus had anuva bath and used my hairdryer and it's sooo good! =] nighty night peeps! (k) *m w a h* bbye xxx

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