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Andie's Dump
||| About Andie ||| Gallery ||| DF Comic ||| ||| Ink City Tattoo |||
Hi! I dunno how you got here, but I do feel sorry for you. See, I'm and Artist right? And I want people to see my work. And I love Elfwood to death, but it takes forever for them to update. So I find myself in the creation of a new wep page. But I feel like I'm fogeting something. Duh! A Mascot, I need a mascot for my page. Er.....Please exsuce me, nothing orginized right now. *blush*

I will hope to have some of my art up here soon, be able to tell you about myself. And you can request pic, so on and so forth. And I'm not sure how I'll get the links out, But if your an artist and you'd like to have your banner here, I'll display is for an exchage of mine, or maybe art. *wink wink* just E-mail me at
UPDATE: June-17-2003
I have started the end of the world. Of course, those that know me know I chat in Dragons Forever and deciced I would try my hand at Comic. This first Eppisode involves myself, and Magus. So Injoy, I'll try to use I large varaity of characters. And oh....Don't get offended, that would be stupid.
UPDATE: June-29-2003
Updates will be slower from now on, I have a job again at Books-A-Million. But! I have added a drawing into the NEW catagory of my gallery. Causion advised, don't go blind. It is the TOP thumb nail on the left because that's where the new images are, RIGHT? Just checking that you remembered! :)

I have a feeling this is going to be a slow prosses, cuase i always get mad at these things. I have a cool web publisher on my computer, just no i dea how to publish. Anywho. I hope to have something for real up some times soon.

I'm about to put up a links page, so if you would like your link displayed here, please just contact me!
-Oct.18.2002- I added one drawing it's the only ok one i've done in weeks. Kinda makes me sad and all.Go visit him! C-yas

UPDATE: 12-06-2002
Hi again. I've added a few sketches and a new colour drawing. But this is the last update like this, from now on my NEW drawing will be TOP on the list, easier for you to find. Well have a nice day!

UPDATE: 10-14-2003
I have added Inwe and The Three Witches, I will be adding two more in the next week if I can find them. I'm working two jobs now and going to college full time. My art teacher there is as boring as a peice of unused chalk. I'm looking for a new tattoo. And uh...I think that's all for my update. Oh And HI BIG GAY JON!