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Me Me Me

As usual, this is gonna be about me and friends and family, so keep checking back.

You know we are all interesting.

Guess who's back...back again...Ken is back...tell some men...rub my back rub my back rub my back...

Well it has been awhile since i have updated this bad boy but now that i am at college i figure i should so people can keep track of me. who knows.

days until my birthday!!!!!

Season = Crazy
You're Most Like The Season ... NO wait! Hold it!
You're not like a season at all! You're a
psycho... You need a new season created just
for you. You either answered wildly to be different, or you
truly are a 'special case'. Independant -
maybe, Intelligent - somewhat. Weird and wacky
- most certainly. A nut case, a fruit cake, the joker, the insane
lunatic :) However be careful or you may get
locked up. Well Done... You're not at home in any of the
seasons, you creat your own.

?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

All about me
My Angel
My cars
Pick up lines
Quotes and song lyrics
Yucky senior pics
Things I Want
Things to think about
College Kids