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Hello there. You have probally stumbled upon this site cause we begged, pleaded and bit at your ankles. Foolish mortal! Please keep your arms, legs or other extremites inside the veicle at all times. If i see it out its comming off. AAAHHHH sorry. Thats what 11 years of Disney will do to you. Lets try this again. Hi. This is Jess n Val here, and welcome to The Big Picture. This is our collection of oldly strange and strangly odd pictures from around th.. well actually around Brooklyn. hehe. Feel free to look around. Admission is free. Although donations are welcome :) But be warned, if you take any pictures of ours we will track you down and castrate you like the poor defenceless camels that you are. Muhahahaha HAVE FUN!!!!! - Val n Jess the digital camera gurus

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