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it has been brought to my attention that quite a few kiddies and parents are offended by my webpage. i've heard it referred to as "vulgar, disturbing, and inappropriate." some have even gone as far as to approach my own mother and bitch and complain to her about what a horrible person i am for putting such horrid things on the internet.

all i have to say is this: i didn't ask you or your kids to look at it. i never gave out the web address nor did i promote it in anyway. and vulgar or not, this page is ME. it's made up of my thoughts and opinions. and i feel no need to apologize or be ashamed of anything i've written. hell, it's not my fault that you are all so fucking self-centered and close-minded that you get offended by the slightest bit of disagreeable material. so i used fuck, shit, and damn or some other type of profanity in every other sentence and i might have talked about things others choose to ignore. boo fucking hoo.

also, majority of my webpage consists of things i find humorous. and you people need not be so uptight about it. for the most part, i don't like to take things seriously. if you can't find humor in things, it's possible that you're an idiot.

why don't you be the wonderful, loving, concerned parents you pretend to be and watch what your own kids are looking at in the first place. cause i'm sure they've seen and heard worse in their lives thus far. i know i have.

occasionally, i might consider your feelings as parents and feel rather bad about exposing your children to things they will more than likely experience in the one thing you are trying your hardest to prevent them from being part of: reality. and trust me, the real world is a bad bad thing. but i guess it's better that you don't spoil them and give them everything they want. i mean, do YOU want your children to end up like Matt Erne with a pretend crappy life? i think not. so, i'm willing to meet you all in the middle with this. i've created a child friendly page for all of you disgruntled people to view. and for all of my friends, please go on to view my offensive webpage. since you are the only ones i intended to have look at it anyways. thank you.

and by the way, thanks for making me a celebrity.
