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Sxyitaly's Homepage

Hello people. Well this is my site.....calm down I know its exciting. lol Just joking. Sign my guest book! Oh! And by the way, if you see any clowns, don't let them near me, and run as fast as you can! Sammy, I love you so much, I'm glad you're in my life, and I'm so happy you love me too. That song is so sweet! And it's so wonderful to know that you feel that way. I love you so very much. You're the best boyfriend ever! Christina, what can I say? What's up yo? Sweet. Beautiful! Whatever man! I think I found the lost city of atlantis in Sam's room. Pink sparkly penis,use it wisely! All those late night drives to T.O. to drop off letters to Brian (can we say crazy?), and those late night pit stops for fast food. On The Border, flautas, diet coke & tea! lol. I love you, don't go anywhere again ok? Tawny, you're the best sister a girl could ask for. We've been through a lot together, divorce, grandparents, parents, boyfriends, everything. Still waiting to be paid back for the birthday bit! Dream on sis, dream on! That was classic! lol. Emily, the coolest! I love you chica. All those letters, I still have them! We've been through a lot too, Chris, Brad, Matt, need I say more? Oh! and by the way Embolini, you are the greatest best friend! I love you! Erin, stay awesome my love! We've been best friends since kindergarten! I love you. You were there when I moved a bazzilion times, left my parents, moved in with dad, moved in with my grandparents, and settled at Sam's house! I love you! You are so awesome. Mommy, I love you. We've been through some difficult times and God knows we've had our share of fights. But we've managed. How, I'm not sure, but we did. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger right? Thankyou for being there when I needed a shoulder to cry on... to cry into. lol Especially those times that were at 2:00 in the morning. Daddy, I love you you sad, strange little man. Loretta and Jack thank you so much for everything you've done for me! I appreciate it all!! Stan, hang in there little man. You've had a rough ride, but it'll smooth out as you get older. You're a smart kid and a sweetheart. Stay that way, and you'll get far in life. Ryan you're a cute lil redhead and spunky! You have great parents love them as much as you can. Myleen, I love you. You've given me great advice and you're alot of fun to hang out with. Wyatt, you take care of your mommy. She's special and the best thing you've got in this world. Listen to your dad, and pay attention to the advice they both give you. Duane, take care of Myleen and love her well or I'll be forced to hurt you. lol. Rick you're a great friend and I hope we will always be friends. Matt, what can I say? I love you so much. You're the best friend a girl could have. obsession! lol! You were there when no one else was. No matter what happens you'll always be my best guy friend! Spyder, you're so cool. Mr. pimp daddy! Keep the music flowin ok? My advice to people - Live you OWN life, for YOU! Dance like no ones watching, no one cares if you can dance, just that you do! Change for no one, your friends like you for you. Stay in school. Run from the clowns! The rabid mutant dust bunnies are our friends, they're cool. Stick with family, they'll be there for you in the end. Don't take your friends for granted, you need them, make sure they know how much you care. And above all else... worship me! lol. Not really, actually it that you are you, don't lose that. You are your best asset and best friend. take care of yourself, as an individual you are awesome, and don't let anyone tell you different. And please people, visit It's a hilarious site! Also visit It's an awesome site!

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