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Heya this is May 2002 at my party from left it's Sonya , Gail n me!

This was a few years back on a coach to Chester

Me n Tori last Summer , goin sporty!

Ian , Tori , Roisin , Collette n Bailey in my house last Summer

Me , Tori and Co at a beach in Wexford 2 years ago,

Charles n Paul on the coach to Chester

Ian in my garden Summer 2001

(right:)Tori n Ian playin swingball

Emma n Eimear in primary skool

Sonya , Caroline n Dayrl in primary

My party 2002 , Roisin , Co , me , Jenny n Sarah

Roisin n in the background r Co n Tori let's just say we had a bit 2 drink :D , I just like this pic

The girls who were in my house in the Gaelteacht Summer 2001.

My party again! Leann K , Leanne M , Caroline , angry Ro , Co , me , Tori n Jenny

I'm not gunna name them all so basicly my 11th r 10th birthday we did pitch n put! it was my whole class n we had a gud time

Tori n Co tres sexy!

My party 2002!!