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More quotes! MORE, I say!

Okay, I ran out of room on my last 'Quotes' page (because I have so many), so here's some more quotes for you to enjoy! Remember, please don't take any quotes off of this page without asking my permission (this rule mostly applies to the 'random quotes')! Enjoy!

Random Quotes:
"Hey, did ‘Skeezy’ die in the explosion? I hope so!" - Mary, re: a character in ‘Last Action Hero’

Misc. Movie Quotes:
"Honey are you in trouble?" "Well, I think a psychiatrist is chasing me..." - ‘Blast from the Past’

"Officer Slater - the guy with the missing eye - I saw his license plate." "Good for you." - ‘Last Action Hero’

"Look! An elephant!" - ‘Last Action Hero’

"Bring the car around." "I can’t, the helicopter landed on it." "I hate when that happens." - ‘Last Action Hero’

"Hello! I’ve just shot somebody, I did it on purpose!" (pause) "I said, I have murdered a man, and I want to confess!" "Hey shut up down there!" - ‘Last Action Hero’

Misc. TV Quotes:
"Good thing Sheridan didn’t die. It would have totally screwed up my plans to marry her." - ‘Passions’

'Spongebob Squarepants' Quotes:
"FINLAND!" - Patrick

"Oh Bikini Bottom, we pledge our hearts to you! As faithful, as deep as true as blue! Bikini Bottom we love you!" - Spongebob and 'Imitation Krabs', singing Bikini Bottom's national Anthem

"If I had a dollar for every brain you don't have, I'd have one dollar!" - Squidward

"You know, if I were to die right now in some sort of firey explosion due to the carelessness of a friend, well, that would just be okay." - Spongebob

"I have a theory. People talk loud when they want to act smart, right?" "CORRECT!" - Squidward and Plankton

"I thought I sent you away, cretin!" - Plankton

"Just call me 'Daddy'!" - Patrick

"Hold it right there, 'DadMom Angrypants'!" - Patrick

"You've gotta help me Spongebob!" "You've gotta let go of the dime." "I can think of ten good reasons to never let go of a dime, boy." - Mr. Krabs & Spongebob

"Patrick, you are the dumbest idiot it has ever been my misfortune to know." - Squidward

"Spongebob, are you gonna listen to a big dummy, or are you gonna listen to me?" "Uhh...." - Patrick & Spongebob

"I told ya, I'm not hungry Mermaid Man!" "Nonsense, Barncale Boy! We've gotta keep up our strength for the fight against...eeeeviiiilll!" - Barnacle Boy & Mermaid Man

"Pardon my french, but GET THIS THING OFF ME!" - Patrick

"F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me, N is for anywhere at anytime at all - down here in the deep blue sea!" "F is for fire that burns down the whole town, U is for uranium - bombs! N is for no survivors, when YOU..." "Plankton! Those things aren't what fun is all about!" - Spongebob and Plankton

"You had to kill 'em. The boy cries you a sweater of tears... and ya kill 'em. How are you going to live with yourself?" - Mr. Krabs

"The 'Krusty Krab' pizza is the pizza for you and me! The 'Krusty Krab' pizza is the pizza-" "-and my feet are killing me!" - Spongebob & Squidward

"I can't believe this is really happening... today... I start LIVING!" - Spongebob

"How did I ever get surrounded with such loser neighbors?" - Squidward

"Sometimes, that Spongebob is as dumb as a sack of peanuts." - Sandy Cheeks

"Oops! I guess I ripped my pants again!" - Spongebob

"Just look at him! Square... the shape of EVIL!" - Plankton

"Why must the sun set of this perfect day?" - Patrick

"What kind of place IS this?!" - Patrick

"Why does this keep happening to me?!" - Patrick

"Aah! Gary help! Help me! Oh, merciful Neptune, I closed the window on my head!" - Spongebob

"I wonder if a fall from this height would be enough to kill me." - Squidward

"I'll tell you a little story called "The Ugly Barnacle": Once there was a very ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everybody died. The End." - Patrick

"The belt is gone... but I still feel its tickle!" - ManRay

"That naive cube!" - Plankton

"Come back, you porous freak!" - Plankton

'Plankton: 1% Evil, 99% Hot Gas' - Computer

"Why did you eat my boots Mr. Krabs?" - Spongebob

Squidward: We need to find out what that robot did with the real Mr. Krabs! But how?
SpongeBob: Well, in the movie, the hero teams up with a buddy, and they get the poop on the robot.
Squidward: They poop on the robot?
SpongeBob: Yeah, you know, they get the straight poop. Ask questions, get information.
Squidward: I never thought I'd say this, but Spongebob, but let's get that poop!

[SpongeBob appears on the horizon]
Sandy Cheeks: Here, Patrick. Have a Krabby Patty. ::whispers:: Psst! There he is Patrick, say your line!
Patrick Star: ::picks up paper:: Why thank you, Sandy. Take Patty. Too bad SpongeBob isn't here to enjoy this. These are his favorite. [on the verge of tears] Take bite!

Mr. Krabs: Do you smell it? That smell. A kind of smelly smell. The smelly smell that smells...smelly. ::whispering:: Anchovies.
Squidward: What?

SpongeBob: Can you show me how to tie my shoes?
Painty the Pirate: Arrr, I just be a painting of a head.

[after an embarrassing incident] "Well, I'm sorry THAT didn't kill me!" - Squidward

"It's not the boots, it's the boot-ee. Err... I mean, uh... the person in the boots." - Mr. Krabs

"Someone call the police, there's a pants thief on the loose!" - Spongebob

A one! A two! A skiddly-diddly-doo!" - SpongeBob

Narrator: But what does P.O.O.P mean? It's actually carefully organized paraphrase that stands for: People Order Our Patties.
SpongeBob: Ohhhhhhh! Poop!

::singing:: "Winner takes all. It's the thrill of one more kill. The last one to fall, will never sacrifice their will. We'll never look back, while the world closes in need. The only attack is the wings of win. All the chicks will reveal... SWEET, SWEET, SWEET VICTORY! EEE YEAH! We hear the worlds breathing. And it's all with fate! And it's SWEET, SWEET, SWEET VICTORY! YEAH! Sweeet YEAH! And the world lost it's feeling. YEAH! SWEET, SWEET, SWEET VICTORY!" - SpongeBob

"Sponge-boy-me-Bob!" - Mr. Krabs

"Ah-hah! Wait till Mr. Krabs finds out you're a...toilet." - Squidward

ManRay: Excuse me sir, but I believe you dropped your wallet.
Patrick: It doesn't look familiar to me.
ManRay: What? But I just saw you drop it. I am trying to be a good citizen, and return it to you.
Patrick: Nope, it's not mine.
ManRay: ::Reaching into the wallet and pulling out Patrick's I. D.:: Are you a Mr. Patrick Starr?
Patrick: Yep.
ManRay: And this is your I. D.
Patrick: Yep.
ManRay: And I found it in this wallet, and therefore, this must be your wallet.
Patrick: Nope it's not mine.

Barnacle Boy: We won! And the superhero-supervillain rules require you to do what I say.
ManRay: World domination! Ask for world domination!
The Dirty Bubble: Make him eat dirt. ::Man-Ray gives him a curious look:: In addition to the world domination thing.

SpongeBob: Would you like to buy some chocolate?
Crazy Customer: Chocolate? Did you say...chocolate?
SpongeBob: Uh-huh. Would you like some?
Crazy Customer: CHOCOLATE!!! CHOCOLATE!!!

Mr. Krabs: Three cheers for Spongebob Hip-hip!
Crowd: Hooray!
Mr. Krabs: Hip-hip!
Crowd: Hooray!
Mr. Krabs: Hip-hip!
Crowd: Hooray!
SpongeBob: And three cheers for the man who took my place, Squidward! Hip-hip!
Crowd: Booo!
SpongeBob: Hip-hip!
Crowd: Booo!
SpongeBob: Hip-hip!
Crowd: Booo!
SpongeBob: Hip-hip!
Squidward's Mother: Boo, you stink! ((I never knew that that was Squidward's mother...maybe this was a typo from ', LOL))

"Hello folks. I'm gonna skip right past the jokes and proceed immediately to the part where I throw pie at you." - Clown

Patrick: Where is "Leaving Bikini Bottom?"
SpongeBob: What?
Patrick: I just saw a sign that said, "You are now in 'Leaving Bikini Bottom."

Squidward: Let me get this straight. You two bought a big screen television just so you could play in the box?
SpongeBob: Pretty smart, huh?
Patrick: I thought it wouldn't work.

SpongeBob: You can't retire now! There's evil afoot!
Mermaid Man: Evil! Evil!

Patrick: Liar, liar, plants for hire.
SpongeBob: It's pants on fire, Patrick.
Patrick: Well you would know, liar.

Patrick: 24
::Spongebob and Patrick giggle::
SpongeBob: ::giggling:: Hey Patrick, I just thought of something funnier then 24.
Patrick: Let's here it.
SpongeBob: 25
::Both burst out laughing::

"Besides, I have checks with little poodles on them!" - ManRay

"Am I a pretty girl?" - SpongeBob

"We're not talking about some dumb mail fraud scheme or hijacking, here! WE STOLE A BALLOON!" - Parick

'The Grinch' Quotes:
"Are you two still living??" - Jim Carey, aka 'The Grinch'

"That is not a chew toy!" - The Grinch

"It's because I'm GREEN, isn't it??" - The Grinch

"It's not a skirt, it's a kilt! SICKO!" - The Grinch

'The Simpsons' Quotes:
"You've been out galavanting with that floozy of a bigger brother Tom, haven't you? Haven't you?? LOOK AT ME!" - Homer, talking to Bart

"Wait Mister, you're drinking a candle!" - Ralph Wiggum

::in a monotone voice:: "I have to go now. My planet needs me." (A sign appears that reads:) 'Poochie died on his way back to his planet' - 'Poochie'

"They fight and fight! They fight and fight and fight! Fight fight fight, fight fight fight - It's the 'Itchy & Scratchy Show'!" - 'Itchy & Scratchy Show' theme song

"They fight and fight! And bark! They fight and fight and fight! And bark! Fight fight fight, woof woof woof - It's the 'Itchy & Scratchy, and Poochie Show'!" - 'Itchy & Scratchy Show' theme song

'Whose Line Is It Anyway' Quotes:
Ryan: How much would you pay for a five CD set like this or even a fifty CD set like this?
Colin: Why, I’d pay up to fifty thousand dollars. But I’m an IDIOT!
Ryan: And you’re from Canada, so with the exchange....
Colin: I’m still an IDIOT! - (Greatest Hits-Songs of the Bus Driver)

Colin Mochrie: I need a hammer.
Ryan Stiles: I knew he needed a hammer. He also needed a couple of nails and a good screw. - (Film Noir - Hardware Store)

"The other day I stole something, it really was a sin. It was a little revolver made of gelatin. It was a really bad idea, something I should have slept on. 'Cause I was arrested for carrying a congealed weapon." - Colin Mochrie (Shoplifting Hoedown)

"Watch the Drew Carey Show Wednesdays at 9. Wait... there's more. Give the tall guy more lines." - Ryan Stiles (to Colin Mochrie)

"In a world full of poo, there's only one scooper. I'm Greg Proops the pooper scooper." - Greg Proops

"There's nothing like butt toast and head eggs." - Ryan Stiles

"Now over to our weatherman, Dwayne TheBathtub." - Colin Mochrie

"I love the Village People, now please don't get me wrong. I love YMCA, hey girl, that's my song. But you see in San Francisco is where they belong, And all them Village People inspired me to wear my thong!" - Wayne Brady (The Village People Hoedown)

"I love the Village People, they give me confidence. Even though I'm not too bright, I am rather dense. I have a fat, white body, and I don't have a tan, But when I put on leather pants, I am a Macho Man!" - Drew Carey (The Village People Hoedown)

"About the Village People I have a lot of facts. Did you know they made a movie? Yes, they act. It really is quite wonderful, I can't believe my eyes, If you laid them end to end, I wouldn't be surprised!" - Colin Mochrie (The Village People Hoedown)

"I don't like the Village People, think they're kinda rude. Don't you know their lyrics can be kinda crude. When it's on my stereo I always hit the mute, But I'll have to admit, the Indian's kind of cute!" - Ryan Stiles (The Village People Hoedown)

"I let him think for a while 'cause I knew he had the answer. I knew it was a good answer, and he was going to tell it to me. 'Cause when you ask a question, you expect an answer. That's the way it works... question, answer, answer, question. If he gave the answer, I'd have to come up with the question. That would be Jeopardy. That's wrong!" - Colin Mochrie

"Welcome to Whose Line is it, Anyway?, the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter." - Drew Carey

"If you've never seen the show before, what's going to happen is these four performers are going to come out here and make everything up for you, right off the top of their heads. At the end of every game, I give them points, I don't know why. It's just a little gag to hold the show together. And then, at the end of the night, we choose a winner, and the winner gets to do a little something special with me." - Drew Carey

"I think it was Tennessee Williams who said, Y'all are crap!" - Colin Mochrie (During Hollywood Producer game)

::pretends to look in mirror:: "Who beat Gore? Who beat Gore?" - Ryan Stiles (Scenes from a hat - Things George Bush does alone in the oval office)

"That's right the points are like if N'sync and the Backstreet Boys switched places. It doesn't matter." - Drew Carey

::Ryan accidentally rammed his head into a light fixture::
Drew Carey: Hey, Ryan, how many fingers am I holding up? ::holds up two fingers::
Ryan Stiles: Uhh, 4? How about me? ::gives Drew the finger::

Brad Sherwood: I think we'd all better take... a shower!
Colin Mochrie: Ehh, I don't want my freedom. - (Scenes Cut from a Movie - Braveheart)

Drew Carey: So if you want to be on "Whose Line it is Anyway?" send a naked Polaroid of yourself to the care of 'Whose Line' Po Box: 175.
Chip Esten: That's how I got on!

"I buy lots of products when I'm alone at home. It's really really easy to order them by phone. Not to order these things is really kinda hard, but I never worry too much, I use Colin's credit card." -Ryan Stiles (Commercial Hoedown)

"I am a gameshow host, my life's a game you see. I fill it all with danger, I'm in jeopardy. It really is quite wonderful, I do it with all my might. I hang out with prostitutes because the price is right." - Colin (Game Show Hosts Hoedown)

"Singing about the IRS a bell doesn't ring, you know I'm not very good when I have to sing. Singing these hoedowns on 'Whose Line' ya know, but I don't really care 'cause I'm on another show." -Ryan (IRS Hoedown)

"Crap! Crap! Not too bad." - Colin

"The points are like my treadmill, they don't matter." - Drew

"Hi, I play Louis on the Drew Carey show." - Colin (Pick-up lines doomed to fail)

"Hi, I'm Tipper, this is Al." - Wayne (Worst in-laws)

"If you make room, you can fit three people on it!" - Ryan (Things to say about your motorcycle but not your GF)

"Who's the slightly effiminate one? That's me! That's me!" - Wayne (Songs not to sing in prison)

"Ryan, you have to be an Incan priest trying to sacrifice a virgin. If you come near my desk, I'll kill ya!" - Drew

"Single, white, question mark." -Ryan (Ads that won't get many responses)

"I'm not playing anymore." -Tony (Party Quirks, when Rory arrived as Tony himself)

"Tourists are the ones in shorts with sandals on their feet, when I drive around I run them over in the street. I do it for my town's own protection, I am singin' this song for the ignored section!" -Brad (The Tourists Hoedown)

"I waited in the restaurant. I waited just all night. I drank so much whiskey, I began to get quite tight. And then no one turned up in the end, and I thought oh no! And then I kissed a labrador and then I... ::cracks up:: " - Tony Slattery (Being Stood Up Hoedown)

"I love my Christmas. I love it every year. 'Cause I shove food in my mouth. I grin ear to ear. My cholesterol is high and... ::pretends to have a heart attack:: " - Colin Mochrie (Christmas Hoedown)

::pulls handkerchief out of mouth::
And then I cut it off!" - Tony Slattery (Excessive Drinking Hoedown)

"Alright, let me just put on my ultra wrap-around sunglasses in case Clive decides to show up without a hat." - Tony

Drew: Ok, "personal ads that wouldn't get a response"
Colin: Slightly balding superhero...
Drew: Slightly? Yeah, and I'm slightly overweight.

"Excuse me, someone's at the microwave." - Paul (after Clive hits the buzzer instead of the doorbell during 'Party Quirks')

"Bread, bread, the green doth grow. It grows on the bread, and in between my toes. Why it grows there, nobody knows. Thank you, thank you, Dr. Scholls." - Ryan

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