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Welcome to "SPLATT" !!! (with a brand new look!)

I wanted this to be the first one coz I rock =P
Click here to see MY piccies ( including me all growed up ) and for stuff about ME!

This art page is the best art ever ( made by me anyways ) coz I'm not gonna put up crappy art... or I might have a crappy art page... who knows?
Click here to see my FURRE art =)

I figured I'd have this one last seeing as I don't want MANY people to go to it, not that it's personal or anything =P.
Go to see my G's!

This is the totally -->OLD<-- part of my site. It is dedicated to the creation of the V-Club (that no longer exists because we're all FUCKING SKANKS!). Do you dare find out what it is???
Click here coz it's kewl to be in the V-Club!!

Ok. So... THIS is the all -->>>NEW<<<-- part of my totally radically COOL website, WHY you ask? Because now, it is time for a new era, the era of... THE COCK ADDICKTS! =P =) We all like cheese by the way!
Welcome all addicts of teh cock...

Go here coz I did all these quizzes when I was really bored at like 3am!!!!

Go here for my new art concept, thumbnail available whenever I decide to make one :P

Made By Jacky Splatt
(C) 2002 - Splatt Incorporations