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What Do You Have To Say?

***THIS PAGE WAS CREATED BY JEANETTE AND ANDREW*** <><>You Say Live And Let Live, But People Are Dying Everyday<><> >>>You Say What I Don't Know Won't Hurt Me But What If, What I Do Not Know Is The Very Thing I Need?<<< *When Will The Hate Stop?* *How Many Acts Of Violence Will Have To Be Done?* *New York Is The City That Never Sleeps, But It Fell Silent On September 11,2001. R.I.P To All The Heros/Heroines And Victims* ~A hateful word is said or a hateful act is done EVERY 10seconds, be mindful of what you say~ Why do we need a website like this you might ask? well because we feel teenagers need to express they're feelings and ideas, if not thats when trouble starts, you can't keep everything locked up inside of you. Sign the guestbook and write some quotes you feel should go into this website, thanks.

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