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is temporarily out of service!!

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  Having finally seen the last few episodes of "Hellsing", I realized that this site is far, far overdue for a complete and utter (pardon the pun) revamp.  In addition to new opinions, new reviews, new information, and new character profiles, it will be moving to a new, free server--hence, no more pop-ups.  The site is NOT dead... just a bit catatonic at the moment. ^^;; It'll be up once I'm done with the far-less-graphic-intensive-and-more-viewer-friendly version is up.

In the by-the-by, please visit my sister site, The Hellsing Crypt, or my yaoi/yuri/slash site, The Dusty Moth.  Thanks.

~Princess of Pain

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