Spaz's Page Of Stuff....
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Spaz's Page Of Stuff....

This is my web page....Yep, it sucks, I need to do some stuff to it...But...Anyway...I guess this is where I'm supposed to start talking about stuff....Mmm...Whoohoo!! I graduated! I kick ass. Umm...I dont really have anything else to put been pretty boring lately except for the whole graduation/summer thing. Oh, and My girlfriend kicks ass. (I LOVE YOU HEATHER!)

P.S.: Sign my goddamn guestbook!!

Update: Don't forget to sign my guestbook!!

Other Pages

My Likes and Dislikes
Bands That I Like
Some Pics of my friends
More Pics of my Homies....
Shoutouts (Holla!!)
Some pics from Ozzfest 2002 in Atlanta....
My Ozzfest 2003 Page

Some pictures of Heather!!

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