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Why should you submit your work to this site?

Well, let's think about what your other options are...
You could start your own web site.
Lot's of work. You've got to learn html, promote the site, make regular updates, etc., etc., etc.
You could submit your work to The Sims Resource.
Not a bad idea, but how are people going to find YOUR work among the other thousands of submissions?

The other option would be to submit your work to a smaller site like SimTury21. If you already have your own site this is one more way to promote it. In exchange for any work submitted to me you will get a link back to your page everywhere your work appears on my site(a link back to me would also be greatly appreciated). If you don't run a site of your own, this is a way to make cool stuff for your favorite game, AND enable other people to appreciate your genius without the effort of maintaining your own site. Either way you will be helping me make my site more attractive to all the other Simmers out there.

Convinced? If so proceed to the email page. Thank you for your support!!