heyyyyy.....you're on muh siiiiite! why? it's just a complete load of rubbish about me....all true though!!!! every single word is true!!


anyway thiiiiis page looks too bare so i'm gonna fill it up!!! heh heh typing complete load of rubbish.......i want friends...cause i have none (iiii rillY hope that is not true *g~)............teehee anyway what to say? this is hard really.....thinking of things to say.....well this site is shitty but it's all i can do at the moment. Yay iiiiiiii gotted new piiiiiiiiictures!!! took them wiff muh stiiiiickky fiiiiilm camera........but they're funkaY.

heh thiiiiiiis site is fuckiiiiiiiing poiiintless........teehee* who cares?



Garageband.com (funky site for some cool new music)

My Ujournal