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So. You have happened upon my portion of the growing Internet community. Not that that matters. What am I going to do, jump up and down because you've either stumbled upon it by accident, or you found it with my help? Hell no. But that's not important. What is is whether or not you're going to stay. Not particularly to me, but to you.

This site is built, like all are, for people to see. My concern is whether or not you want to see it. I obviously built the site to invite people I know to see it, but if you don't know me, continue reading. If you are an open-minded person and are not bothered by such things as occasional profanity in what might be said or a non-conservative based viewpoint, please, feel free to go ahead and take a look at the site. If you are a closed-minded person, are disgusted by sick humor, do not approve of any such language usage that is not commonly used at the dinner table, and don't like to associate with people who have personal opinions that may not match yours, it would probably be better for you to click on the below link and find another site to visit. After all, I don't want to trouble your little mind with such things that might actually give it something interesting to think about.

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