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Welcome to the only place you can buy the crap you threw away!

News, and any other shit that goes on around here.
Well I haven't updated in a couple months,don't plan to either.Sorry 'bout that,we're just reallyb usy with highschool and all.Clikc the link below please,lol. Just some page,you might like it,you might not Aaron the Great and Mighty !!AND!! Dirty Rat

And we're back after many, many months of neglect.Many.To celebrate our crapiness for our site being a year old we've decided to redesign the Front page.Any insults will be directed to Nick, were you will find his e-mail address.Also, don't forget to call 1-800-EASTMAN with your prank calls today!!
Aaron the Great and Mighty !!AND!! Dirty Rat

A note to all our non-existant fans.We WILL be working on a new layout.....but we will not be working on anything else for a while.We are simply to bored with our website and we don't get enough visitors.If you would like our site to keep updating almost everyday e-mail me, Aaron, at .If less than 3 emails reach me then I will be sorry to say.....Screw that, I won't be sorry to say,lol,that we will no longer be working on our site.Until the summer.Oh yeah, and e-mail me for suggestions, we will most likely use them on our site.
Aaron the Great and Mighty

Well, looks like we have a little problemo here.Nick, that mongrel idiot, seemed to have replaced our front page with the member area.Now you see me wasting a perfect afternoon working on this piece of crap while he goes and fights in a freaking judo tournament.I could take him any day, any time, any where.I must go now and finish this damn page.
Aaron the Great and Mighty