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"Come on, a little closer..." whispered Lex to himself. He was lying on the forest floor, his eyes were on a young Brachiosaurus. It had probably wandered off from its parents. Lex was planning to eat it. He figured it would probably get eaten by a predator anyway, why not him? He was starving anyway, eat or be eaten.
















Lex jumped on the doomed creature. The little creature was heavy for its size, it would make a nice meal. He had sticks set up along the way, for ease of killing it.
















Lex forced it to the ground. He then impaled it with one of his set-up sticks. It sickened Lex, but he had to do it. He now had to cook it...
















Lex took of his bloody motor-biking suit and put it on the ground. He was now wearing his hat and his clothes. He planned to start a fire by using the gas out of his bike tank. He opened the cap, it was merely empty! He was glad he didn't ride it any further! With a sigh he shoved a stick in it and swirled it around.
















He then wiped the gasoline-covered stick on a large stone. The stone was slate, which was perfect for what he was doing. The gas smell filled his nostrils.
















It was getting dark...Lex had to hurray up. He got another smaller rock and lifted it up above his head in one hand. He slammed it against the rock in a swiping motion, this created a spark. "Yes!" shouted Lex. He did it again, harder, a bigger spark.

The spark lit the gasoline, sending flames rushing up into the night air. Lex had created a cooking fire! He jumped up in happiness, "I HAVE CREATED FIRE! MWAHAHAH!" he laughed to himself. Lex quickly threw some bushes and twigs to feed the fire. It went even higher. He then got a big branch and tossed it in. ~CraAk~ It was a snap of twigs, Lex stood up in caution.
















Lex put in his catch, the Brachiosaurus. It smoldered in the fire. After awhile of cooking Lex took a bite, it tasted like beef jerky! It was very chewy, Lex thought it was pretty good. He ate and ate, filling himself up as the night progressed. When the full human was done he sat by the fire, watching it spark.
















The disturbance jumped out of the bushes, it was a Velociraptor! Its color scheme was brown with some red. It had a cream-colored underbelly. It hissed at Lex. Lex stayed still as its glowing green eyes watched him. Obviously it had smelt the meat cooking. Was there others around? Lex didn't know. He kept his eyes on the green glow.

















Lex sprang into action, he quickly picked up a hot-ended burning log out of his fire. He waved it around in the air. "Back! Back!" yelled Lex. The Velociraptor just stared at him, like he was an idiot.

















The raptor, as hungry as he was decided it would be a good idea to snatch the remaining meat out of the fire pit. It had never had an experience with fire, it was just a orange glow to him. It stuck its nose in the burning hot embers, digging around.
















Coming to its senses, the Velociraptor let out a screech that filled the night air. It reared up, its snout was burned! Lex stared at the raptors misfortune, he laughed to himself.
















The Velociraptor scampered into the dense forest, yelping along the way. Lex held his torch up, watching it. Then it hit him, that was probably not the only raptor that smelt it! He remembered that they hunted in packs...the others would be around. Lex started toward the field.
















With his motorcycle gassed-out he had no chance but to walk. The torch lead his way, he had no moonlight this time. Through the thick grass he walked. He was heading for the cage that he and Chris once locked up a Pteranodon. He hoped it still wasn't stuck. It would be a good shelter if he closed the gate.

















He heard hissing behind him, but he didn't turn his head. He just kept on moving.  There! He saw it up ahead, the large cage! Will the Velociraptors try to hunt him down? Or are they just curious?

















He approached the cage with caution incase the giant bird was still there. He saw nothing, nothing was in there. He climbed up, careful not to get his foot stuck.

















He climbed in and shut the gate door. "Whew!", Lex gave a sigh of relief. "Hello?" said a voice from the other side of the cage. "What? Who are you? Show yourself!" Lex commanded in surprise.
















A humanoid figure emerged from the darkness... IT WAS JO! "Jo!" Lex screamed. "Lex, am I glad to see you!" shouted Jo back. "Are you alright?" asked Lex. "Yes, I thought I'd stay in this cage for awhile, its pretty safe," said Jo. "When did you get here?" asked Lex. "Well, along story short: I was in the river and was attacked by a Spinosaurus, it seemed to be adapted to the water. Anyway I escaped and I found this place, which was inhabited by a large Pteranodon. Someone had shoved it in, poor thing" explained Jo. Lex thought... it was Chris and him who had shoved it in! He played dumb, "I wonder who would do such a thing!" shouted Lex, lying. "So, lets go back!" proposed Jo. "Bad idea, there are Velociraptors everywhere, we should stay here until morning."