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Rob's (REALLY OUTDATED) Bad Ass Home Page


May 2nd - May 5th

It’s not too late to see yours truly in



To read more on the play and to fan feedback click HERE

Read the rave reviews!!!


Show Business Weekly


My Head Shot

Entertainment resume, and info about other upcoming projects to follow

People Are Sheep XII:

This goes out to the critic from Time Out New York who said that Killing Jar Jar wasn’t very good. Not only did he call it “amateurish”, he went so far as to say that Sci-Fi fans and Sci-Fi fans alone *MAY* get a chuckle out of it.

Yeah well…Eat me.

Read the reviews. The ones posted here.  I’m not making this shit up.

The play is doing so POORLY it was EXTENDED for another week. Truly a sign of how bad it is. What you mean the head of the NY Star Wars fan club loved it? You mean that audiences leave every night with a huge smile on their faces?

But how? It isn’t at the Knitting Factory. There isn’t a velvet rope and a snotty bouncer to grease to get past to get in to it.  

Oh I’m sorry. The play isn’t written with trust fund millionaires in mind. How could TIME OUT NY give it a good review?

I’ve never met anyone who considers TIME OUT NY a good read. I must be out of touch. That OR I know the difference between a good time and pretensions bullshit.

Other Interesting Links

PRO GEEK MOVEMENT Conspiracy theory and Guido bashing Galore

Official Chris Jericho Home Page Triple H can barely move, The Rock’s making movies, Austin is PO’ed and Hogan is 80. He’s still *MY* UNDISPUTED CHAMPION!!!!

Adam's REALLY Bad Web Page What cha gonna do, When Monaco runs wild on you????

Wasted Chicks Liz *still*hasn’t shown up here yet, but I have time. And pics…oh yes I do…

REVENGE OF YAR’s REVENGE Yar FINALLY gets HIS revenge on the more popular Atari 2600 Characters

Goth Chicks Like To Fuck COMING SOON

The previously promised SHIT LIST

5) Goth Club drama: Save it for your mama. I just wanna see chicks in their undies

4) My Girlfriends Roomate: Nothing like being broke because your Girlfriend’s roommate is a putz.

3) All phone companies: Must be nice to do nothing for your customers and get paid for it. Sprint PCS = bad service, high rates. MCI you can’t get a bill from and AT & T can’t read their own offer letters. Verizon? Shit, they rate their own entry.

2) Verizon: Like I said, they’re the kings of the rip offs. Check your bill. They charged me $8 a month just for a dial tone.  YOU DIDN’T MISREAD THAT $ 8 a month for a DIAL TONE.  

1) Half my “friends: Or rather the ones who said that’d see the play and haven’t. I support YOUR crap. Ian says you suck a dick too.


Quote of the Week:
”Anytime I can get two of my friends alone in a room with chocolate syrup and hand cuffs I’m a happy man”.
                                                                                                                 -Ian (Referring to his matchmaking skills) 

FINALLY Updated (somewhat) on


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