Under Major Construction

Song Playing: Cecilia Cheung - jok tin dik "me" luen seung ming tin dik nei

[Name] Amy C.

[Nickname] ah mei, ah A, amy dai jeh, amy jeh, mun mun

[Age] 15

[gender] girl, obviously

[EtHniCiTy] 100% chinese

[I seeK Q] *129302047*

[Likes]chat + giggle + chill out w/ friends + karaoke + bubble tea + ice-cream + wang lee hom + hacken lee + kelly chen + chinese music + chinese magazines + king of the hill + more...

[Dislikes]FUZZY ANIMALS + PERFUME (ewww!!) + all kinds of body sprays + fake dai b ppl + biatches + snobs + when my bro farts in front of my face + when my bro flicks his booger

.:: apologies ::..

APOLOGY # 1 goes to Shirley - i'm terribly sorry about my stupid behaviour at the "store" sorry about that! i swear i'm not gonna laugh next time! sorry!

APOLOGY #2 goes to Amy L. - hahah same thing! but u were the one who made me giggle! so it's practically all ur fault! hahah... but still! here i am to apologize!

APOLOGY # 3 goes to bobo - aiya.. actually u kno wat.. i dunno exactly why i'm apologizing to u.. but mmm it just feels that i have to.. so ya.. here it comes.. SORRY!

APOLOGY # 4 goes to momo - u must have felt left out at wonderland, did u? sorry about that.. cuz i was just so into the rides and didn't have time to care anyone around me! sorry! i swear it's not gonna happen again..and if it does.. i give u rights to smack me! go ahead!

.:: thoughts ::..

i was supposed to be soooo hyper yesterday at wonderland! ya.. i immersed myself completely into the rides at first.. but then.. i gradually started becoming so moody! i guess it's all becuz of the hot weather and the soaky feeling, i'm here to warn u ppl.. dun go on cliffhanger unless u have clothes to change! ya and i got really pissed at it and as well.. since i dun have great tolerance.. there was somethng that i truly couldn't stand.. ppl could actually see my fists clutching.. argh.. however, it was a fine day though! here i got a special thanks to ppl whove strongly recommended me to go on psychlone!! that was FUN man... i swear i'm gonna go on again next year.. and i'll drag ppl who didn come with me this year... haha.. u should kno who u r! oh ya... and funnel cake was delicious! Ooooo.. and something astounding happened! wow...! gotta congratulate someone la.. so that's it for now.. i'm not ognna have time to update it after i start working.. well u kno! between having entirely too much work and my active enthusiasm in chilling with friends.. it would be sooo hard for me to find time to update it! well.. maybe next year i will so see ya all..

Thanks for visiting though!

i've lost all my html skills.. and i need some time to review all the stuff i've learned in class... which might take quite long since i'm so darn lazy! dang! i'm lazy, there's no way for me chnage!

taken in saturdays school few weeks ago.. guess whos me? left? right? middle? (HINT: braces)

i really hate his shirt!

lang jai ma?

hey! just wanna assure u ppl that i'm not an edison freak! i hate him normally.. it's just that it he looked so cute in this pic!>


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