You Are About To Witness ... Pointless Stuph

Welcome to Pointless Stuph, where it is filled with...well pointless stuph. I have a bunch of stuph here! I've got Pointless Stuph, stuph that you look at if you are terribly bored, stuph that makes you think "WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS GUY THINKING OF WHILE MAKING THIS WEBSITE???" and we also have stuph that make you think "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING AT A PLACE LIKE THIS??? I GOTTA GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!!" So basically the best thing you can do is get the hell hell out before you want to jump out the window! But please stay for at least 10 minutes to 10 years. ( Make the counter go up to make me look good! The back forward button in a constant motion will make the counter rise pretty high. So have fun and don't jump out the window. By the way the picture will change every once in a while!

Things you can do at this website:

This is what makes up the website:

This is a list of a bunch of my favorite bands. Sorry Rock Music Only! (No BSB lovers allowed)
This is a bunch of Jokes and funny stuph that were meant to make you laugh! If you don't YOUR NOT HUMAN!!!!!
