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So Otis....
From: ZenaRocksMyWorld
Seems to me you have friends in high places eh?
Mods eh?
If this gets modded if prooves you do have a mod friend.
If it doesnt get modded, you still do have a mod friend because its quite obvious with these stupid moderations. So do you like get a power trip for trying to ban or mod people? That's just sad man, really sad and pathetic.
From: Musky
Dude you're gonna get baleeted. Strong words, from a strange man. :P

But true in any sense. BTW Otis, you're not considered a vet, just because you consider yourself one. kthxbai.

Note to Otis, I know you will mark both post as trolling, but tally f'ing ho.
From: FThaMan
He might have friends in high places. But I know people in higher.
From: Musky
Kevin....if you get banned, you will only accomplish what Otis wants, a usermap axe, thus getting me banned.
From: XenaRocksMyWorld
This will get modded but How does it feel seeing you have no life and are a nerd? You spend your time making stupid accounts then troll on this board. I laugh and pity you, at least I have a life. Mod this message, go right ahead. It wouldnt matter if my account got banned because I have a life, unlike you. IM BETTER THAN YOU

(((Continued For Quite Sometime Saying "IM BETTER THAN YOU")))
Oh Yeah And He Got Modded, I just Thought This Was Childishly Amusing! {^_^}
From: Otis
Yeah sorry I was busy doing things, I don't know how you guys got this new info. Doesn't really matter though because it is entirely false. {o_O}"
From: Otis
Oh, and the flaming violation you just committed will give you User Level Points loss if you repost it for a third time, just to warn you...trying to be helpful is all.

So how is Ryan doing? At least he still has 2 other accounts to use now after the whole CB thing. I liked that Am I Evil Enough sn too. {-_-}
From: Musky
Stop trying to incite flames (trolling) on Kevin. Kevin doesn't give 2 ****s about his account. Only reason he hasn't acount-suicided is to prevent a usermap axe, which is something you want so bad, correct?

BTW: Ryan is doing fine, he only has one account thanks to you. You'd get your own friend banned? Some friend you are :|. He hasn't posted much since he's been here all day.
From: Enegromatica
Otis, quite being a *****.
From: OmletteQ
Moderators can't just delete topics because they feel like it
From: XenaRocksMyWorld
Oh! Omg! User Level Points loss!?
................I fail to see the threat
From: MAOnnaise
::Shoots everyone::

you know Otis is cool don't be mean to him.
From: Musky
This info, is basically a corrolation of info, and theories. And you can shut up now Otis. And BTW, I know most of what was stated is true, quit trying to cover your ass Otis. Since frankly, you're just coming here to blantly troll.
From: Otis
I would appreciate it if you stopped making up lies on me. I have done nothing wrong. You have modded messages (for trolling), I have no modded messages...if I were a troll then I would have trolling violations. You might want to wait until those clear your history so you don't appear to be a hypocrite... {*_~}
From: Musky
They weren't trolling, you just marked them and most likely got all your little friends to mark them as well, and when that many people mark a mesasge, the moderator usally agrees with them. Just because a mod doesn't see what you are doing here, doesn't mean you aren't trolling. And BTW, most of us don't sit here marking messages that aren't even rule violations, like you. Hypocrite? As I recall, I don't make 50 accounts like you, then flood our board with it.