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What's Going On Here?
From: Otis
Modded at: 7/27/2003 8:02:08 PM \|/ Disruptive Actions \|/ Message Deleted
Otis is the one that is truly on AIM always...he is a regular in a chat room. {*.*}

Modded at: 7/27/2003 8:05:17 PM \|/ Reason: Disruptive Actions \|/ Message Deleted
No thanks, Otis has enough of those already...unless of course it's the medal of the best user on this board...I've won it 3 times in a row in the past. I wouldn't mind having another one of those. {*_*}

Now how exactly were these disruptive? I was talking about a past topic where we gave medals to users for what they thought of them...and the first post was me talking about how I stay on AIM a lot. This was me talking to these people in a social setting. How in the hell did anyone think this was disruptive? Was the topic even reviewed before the delete button was hit? Is referring to yourself in a 3rd person disruptive? I would like to have known this in the rules before hand if that is the case...
From: Help Board User 1
Talking in the third person and using emoticons in every post is disruptive. So is dancing and bolding in every post but meh.
From: Help Board User 2
I have no clue, I've gotten some really weird Disruptive mods in the past. Contest it and you should get those overturned.
From: Otis
Where does it say talking in third person is disruptive?...and my emoticons are very small...and I never had problems with those before. I only use ONE per post for God's sake. {~_~}
From: Wingz

Otis makes 30+ accounts and floods the board, too.
From: Otis
Then mark it and stop harassing me. {*_*}
From: Wingz
I'm not harassing you, you're harassing us.
From: Help Board User 3
From: stereo
Otis floods our The Land Of Harsh Coolness with pointless topics, and has 50+ accounts to do so with. He really is nothing but a disrupting troll.
From: Help Board User 4
Talking in the third person and using emoticons in every post is disruptive. So is dancing and bolding in every post but meh.

Oh the thoughts I could think of.
From: Kujie
Flooding is disruptive. Making dozens of topics in 2 weeks on the same board is flooding.
From: Giga Blacksmith
Yes, indeed Otis does, Wingz. He goes around the board, trolling, tell everyone he is something to the extent of "better than everyone". As another poster mentioned, yes, he does walk around and talk about himself in a 3rd person perspective.
From: Musky
You made a bunch of names with "Otis" just for the purpose of flooding our board, you just don't do it all at once to get caught. And btw, how is wing harrassing you in any sense? He's just stating a mere fact, you're flooding with multiple accounts.

BTW, I will keep marking ;).
From: Otis
Having many accounts is not against the rules just to clear that up for you guys...and also I do not troll or disrupt you at all...if my topics displease you then mark them. I believe these 2 moderations will be overturned in time and I now know to no longer speak in third person....I feel this topic is being flooded, boy the word sure does spread fast of me making a topic here. {~_<}
From: Wingz
Yes, multiple accounts aren't, but flooding a board is.

And nice attitude, Otis.
From: Wingz
Besides, anyone here can go to The Land Of Harsh Coolness and clearly see that you are flooding.
From: OmletteQ
Mods, a quick look at his usermap + a few instances of seeing him converse with himself in topics should provide you with sufficent evidence...
From: Wingz
Account clocked at 3 minutes and 27 seconds I'm getting faster.

That also proves something.
From: Help Board User 4
Great, a cross between that Almighty guy and Lionheart. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse ~_~
From: Musky
A week after you came the board went from 3 pages, to 7. Most of the topics there are were by you, and most of your topics kept being bumped by you. Sure it has died down a little, but you still continue to troll and flood with multple accounts.
From: Help Board User 5
Hmm, Ryu must have missed something. If talking in 3rd is disruptive, then why hasn't Ryu been banned yet?

And if it was disruptive, then there would be something about it in the ToS.
From: Otis
Yes mods please look at this harassment and trolling these people are comitting right now in flooding this topic with messages that neither help me nor have any meaning what so ever to this topic other than to incite flames.
From: Help Board User 4
^^ Mods are a bit off?
From: Wingz
Again, we aren't harassing you, we're simply stating facts.
From: Help Board User 8
Hmm, Ryu must have missed something. If talking in 3rd is disruptive, then why hasn't Ryu been banned yet?

Besides don't you think you would get the hint when people have told you to stop talking like that?
From: Musky
How on earth is this considered trolling? Just because we simply proved that you flooded our board with multiple accounts does not make us trolls.
From: Musky
And if this is trolling and flooding, than mark us with all 50 of your accounts, the mods will have a final word if it is or not.
From: Help Board User 5
BTW, Ryu thinks you should have not been modded. He sees nothing wrong in those posts.
From: Otis
Incorrect, you are posting fiction as fact because I have done none of these things and in this it is provoking me to flame you and also creating an intimidating environment. The multiple accounts is true but the trolling is not. I would appreciate it if you would kindly stop this harassment.
From: Musky

Another username, need I say more?
From: Kujie
Your topics make up 1/3 of the board topics. That's not counting JohnnyZ. Granted, it's not a very large board, but that's still a lot of topics. There were almost 10 different user names in one of the topics (again, no counting JohnnyZ). Explain to me how that isn't flooding.
From: Giga Blacksmith
Kujie, is correct. To the batcav--Er..The Land Of Harsh Coolness...
From: Otis
When that name was created I asked if it was alright and everyone said yes. It was intended as a joke and for the longest time no one caught it...I'm glad someone finally noticed it though. =)

...and also, usernames do not state the person's true actions on a board. If I make a username "Otis is on fire" or "Otis with a fire pistol" would this be considered I flame many users?
From: Musky
No, you never asked us. Don't say lies now. And those usernames wouldn't be a flame. A flame is an insult, not generated heat on these message boards.
From: stereo
Otis, us posting in this topic is not flooding. We are many, multiple users from all around the country each posting one or two posts every once in a while. You have over 50 accounts (as you've stated yourself) and use them to create a surplus of absolutely pointless topics, and insist that you are superior to everyone else. You flood and troll the The Land Of Harsh Coolness and we're sick of it.
From: Otis
What gives you the idea when I say "everyone" I am talking about you guys? I asked here at MBH. So this means by your logic a username "Disruptive Sign" would post disruptive messages, right? Please refrain from harassing me I have done nothing wrong.
From: Musky
He probably has a few more non otis names. That way we'd over look a few of the.
From: Wingz
And we're taking action.
From: Wingz
Please refrain from harassing me I have done nothing wrong.

Except flood/disrupt a board.
From: Wingz
Hey Otis, why not just automatic-moderation us all into suspension? You certainly have enough accounts to do so.
From: Otis
Otis, us posting in this topic is not flooding. We are many, multiple users from all around the country each posting one or two posts every once in a while. You have over 50 accounts (as you've stated yourself) and use them to create a surplus of absolutely pointless topics, and insist that you are superior to everyone else. You flood and troll the The Land Of Harsh Coolness and we're sick of it.

1: You are flooding this topic creating an intimidating environment for me as a user...I would also like to point out the times you all swamped this post...seems as if you all briefed each other on what to say before coming here.

2: I have over 50 accounts yes, but I do not create that many topics a day. Perhaps 1 every 5 hours or so and some times none a day and if they are pointless mark them for moderation. Calling someone's posts pointless is a troll please stop trolling me.

3: I never said anything about being superior please link to this post if this is true.

4: You are speaking for everyone on the board and you are just 7 users...there are more people than that there.
Tragicly enough the topic was closed after this post {-_-}