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I Have A Problem!!!
For This Post's Full Effect I Refer You To Read This Topic. {^_^}
From: gassnake
I really don't think that games deserve a Social Board! It's filled with nonsense, trolling, flaming, nonsense, nonsense, and did I mention nonsense??? Hey, I'm from The Land Of Harsh Coolness, and there's this guy called "Otis". He is intentionally creating topics to irritate people, and then when I post in that topic telling others to ignore Otis, that cheap bastard comes and mods ME for trolling! Help me please! What can I do??? Already 4-5 people got banned for Otis after he irritated them to death, yet when I try to mod Otis's messages, The All Mighty Administrator AND THE OTHER MODERATORS REFUSE TO DELETED THEM!!! Can someone help me!?!?
From: Help Board User 1
Otis is still there? Wow...
From: gassnake
Dude, you might wanna go back and search under the rubbles of the ancient civilization that once lived in that board. BTW, I'm gassnake, anybody who's been in that board long ago should remember me. This is my spare account, since I was one of the few people who's been modded and suspended for flaming Otis to hell and back.....
From: Company Moderator
Ignore him.

By creating topic about him will just create more problems, thus trolling.

By doing that you are giving into him.
From: Help Board User 2
*marks flame*
From: Help Board User 3
You should still be able to make a topic informing others to avoid stupidity/trolling in general; just make it professional and articulate. Focus on the behavior, not the person. If your colleagues don't support you, then you know you may need to deal with it or find a new board.

You can describe his behavior without insulting him, and when that user goes to mark it for flaming, the mods will then ignore it. Make sure you don't say anything about the user that you wouldn't want someone to say about you.

We had to make a similar topic on another board in order to stop the idiocy of *the troll that dare not speak his name* you know who...both his main accounts began with the letters "LL." (Although his antics apparently inspired other BW regulars to later follow in his footsteps)

Good luck.
From: Help Board User 4
Yep. Mark him where you can, and ignore him. That's all you can really do.
From: PotSmokinMonkie
come on gas, otis isnt THAT bad, he used to be A LOT LOT worse, i kind'a like him, or maybe its because he thinks i'm a god,

*has an advanced knowledge of the tarintinoverse*
From: gassnake
Dude, as far as I'm concerned; the mods these days practically mod anything without even looking!
From: PotSmokinMonkie
We had to make a similar topic on another board in order to stop the idiocy of *the troll that dare not speak his name* you know who...both his main accounts began with the letters "LL." (Although his antics apparently inspired other BW regulars to later follow in his footsteps)

LegondaryLatinoHeat or something rihgt? even i dont vist either of those boards, i know how much of a troll he is
From: gassnake
Pot, so there you are! I've been looking all over the boards for 'ya! Anyway, you say Otis ain't THAT bad??? Just come back to The Land Of Harsh Coolness for a while and watch. That guy costed Deeks's, Ninjapox's, Wingz's, winddragoon's, and my account! I dunno. For some weird reason, asellius seems to like him too.....
From: Help Board User 5
Actually, I think you all cost yourselves your accounts...you should kneel to his expert trolling skills!!
From: Help Board User 5
And "costed" is not a word...just to let you know...