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\~Harshly Cool Land~/
The Harshly Cool Gang.
I Believe This Is When Their Minds Bent So Much, They Snapped In Two... {*_*}
From: Wingz
Post here if you're harshly cool. {*_*}
From: Otis
You got it. {^_^}

...I'm glad you've come to terms with me Wing. {*_*}
From: Wingz
[This message was deleted by the original poster]
From: Wingz
You aren't harshly cool, Otis. {¬_¬}
From: Nasty Ecobar
[This message was deleted by "The Company" Moderator]
From: Otis
Awww...if only you knew how hurt I was right now. {,*_*}

Why did you delete that post that only contained "{¬_¬}"...oh I see you wanted more spice to your post.
From: Wingz
A hug from behind, a sneak-hug, if you will. {*_*}
From: Nasty Ecobar
Yes, a "hug."
From: Wingz
That's harshly cool, Nasty. {@_@}
From: Musky
You are all so harshly cool! {^_^}
From: Otis
That IS harshly cool Nasty...too bad you are suspended for doing it. {*_~}
From: Musky
I saw nothing wrong with it, another Kirby sneaked up on a Kirby, and gave him a hug from the back. Thus schocking the other Kirby. That was really harshly uncool for marking him Otis. {,'_'} Another one bites the dust ;_;
From: Otis
Oh I didn't mark him. {*_*}
From: Musky
I doubt anyone else did.... {-_-}
From: FThaMan
From: Enegromatica
Dude, I am totally HARSH and COOL. Can I be in 'The Harshly Cool Gang'? {@.@}
From: Dark Liquor
Yes I'm Harshly cool but everyone who posted is also harshly cool as well...
From: Musky
Of course you can be in the harshly cool club Bahumet! {^_^}

But sorry Otis you're not welcome {¬_¬}
From: Dark Liquor
There was exceptions about Otis in my last post....Can I join the harshly cool club?