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\~Harshly Cool Land~/
From: GigaBlacksmith
From: No One Important 1
OMG! NOOOOOOOOOO! ::Runs away, crying::
From: GigaBlacksmith
From: Otis
Ahhhahaha! Soon to be destroyed indeed.

Too bad for Giga. Oh well *whistles away* {*.*}
From: GigaBlacksmith
Not really, it's a shared account now.
From: Otis
[This message was deleted by request of the original poster]
From: GigaBlacksmith
We're a bit afraid to let Musky have it.
From: Otis
That post should not have been posted, you saw nothing. {*_*}
From: Wingz
Yay! I hijacked your account! ::Does a dance::
From: GigaBlacksmith
Ah, damn.
From: GigaBlacksmith
Oh, and Otis, your usermap is way more interesting than mine.
From: Musky
From: Otis
Give it to Ryan.....no...give it to me. {*_~}
From: GigaBlacksmith
Give what to you?
From: Otis
Your love man...all I want is your love. {~.~}
From: GigaBlacksmith
From: Musky
You can have my hatred Otis. {*_*}
From: Otis
Okay, but I send my wuv your way man. I wuv you man, you're harshly cool... *tear* {,*_*}
From: Musky
Fine then. I'll send some love your way.

::casts lvl 2 love on Otis:: But that's the most you get. Only harshly cool people get lvl 10 love casted on them {~_*}