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MEMBER CONDUCT FOR THE OTISIA MESSAGE BOARDS You agree that you will use this service to perform the following actions:

1. Offensive Posting Posts of a patently offensive nature are allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:
· Using vulgar, profane, or sexually explicit language is okay.
· Using race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, handicap, nationality, or gender as a means of insult reflects the type of person you are...very small.
· Using sexual preference terms as a term of insult in any way, shape, or form is most likely a cry for sexual preference acceptance.
· Using threatening, harassing, defamatory, hate-speech, or libelous language will probably be ignored by me.
· Posting or requesting links to or material from pornographic, obscene, or hate-speech web sites is against the rules unless you are a pimp, porn director or just racist.
· Posting links to web sites with potentially offensive content without a clear warning is just good for the soul.
· Descriptions or details about any sexual act or sexual organs can turn on other posters...(use at your own risk).

2. Censor Bypassing
For example, if "fuck" is a banned word:
· Not allowed: f-u-c-k, fu*k, f***, 012345, fcuk, fuuuuuck, fuckygizzygee, **** (rhymes with "duck")
· Allowed: fuck, fucked, fucking, f'ed, f-word

3. Flaming (Insulting Other Users) Posts clearly insulting me, individually or as a group, directly or indirectly, so much as look at me wrong, are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:
· Name-calling ("Otis you're a fucking idiot", "Otis you God damn moron")
· Direct insults ("I said fuck YOU!!! So if you don't like it ass hole you can just suck my dick you miserable little bitch!!! Nobody's perfect you fucking fuck, so I slipped so what?! Don't make me rip the skin off you're face and fuck you in the eye socket!!! Then I'll tear off what remains of you're head and shit down you're throat!!! So go to hell you fucking whore and sit on my dick kill over and suck you're mama, eat shit and die damn bitch assgoblin you pathetic bastard ass of a bitch hamster fucker!!!")
· Offensive orders ("Go watch Britney Spears and like it!")
· Insinuations ("Are you brilliant or something?") or insults towards family ("Your mom...reminds me of a young me")

4. Trolling (Inciting Flames) Posts intended solely to annoy and/or offend other posters by going against the clear nature of a board or topic are allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:
· Provoking other users to respond with flames is fine by me, cause where would the fun be without it?
· Making misleading topic titles is just super I do it all the time.
· Asking obviously useless questions is a must have.
· Posting false information as fact happens all the time that's what the foundation of our government was built on.

5. Illegal Activities · Steer clear from the kiddie porn, online drug runs, hits for hire, and piracy that may be directly connected to me and you should be fine.

6. Spamming
· Spamming is dope...for I wouldn't be here today if it were not for spamming.
· Off-Topic Posting It's gonna happen...fuck it, life goes on.

7. Spoilers without Warning Don't warn me about this stupid shit...chances are I'm not going to read what you say anyway.

8. Disruptive Posting Posts that disrupt the message boards for other users, intentional or not, are enforced...so gun-ho. This includes, but is not limited, to:
· Message posts or topic titles that force browsers to scroll horizontally may insight you to download a better browser you Cheep Jew.
· Large blank or content-free posts piss me off. (don't ask why, cause you'll never hear from me again after this).
· "Bumping" multiple older topics (posting in them well after the last post) is the only thing that's going to keep them alive.
· Posting multiple identical or near-identical messages or topics, including "fad" topics is stupid...but hey if that's your thing.
· Intentionally hard-to-read topic titles (i.e. ALL CAPS, AlTeRnAtE cApS, no spaces, no or excessive punctuation, 1337 speak, et cetera) makes it challenging to read there for improves on the board's what I like to call "funness level".
· Posting multiple hard-to-read or nonsensical messages in a single or multiple topics makes perfect sense to me and I hear your cries.
· Posting large ASCII art (except in social topics specifically calling for it) such as "{*_*}".
· Post counting (i.e. "First", "100th Post") lets me know how many posts there have been...I mean I don't want to actually leave the topic and check the main page.

9. Flooding, Invading, and Board Wars Users will be immediately promoted (along with any associated accounts) for:
· Flooding a board with multiple disruptive topics or posts
· Invading another board (flooding a board as a group with multiple topics or posts)
· Instigating, participating in, or retaliating in an invasion of an Otisia message board or any other online service that I may own.
· Announcing or inciting a "war" or any conflict with the regular members of another board

10. Impersonation I don't care if you imp other users...whatever floats your boat right. But just know...you impersonate Otis...Otis knows which Otis be Otis. {*_~}

11. Harassment/Stalking/Privacy I'll be the only one doing any harassing...and you best not be stalkin' me.

12. Unauthorized Access Accessing or attempting to access my user account not belonging to the user in question without permission is prohibited. Accessing my account in this manner is grounds for immediate loss of all known accounts.

13. Bugs and Exploits I love bugs and exploits...who doesn't? {^_^}

14. Usernames, Profiles, and Forms Here's a good one..."4nic8er" or "BJNE1".

15. Other Any other activity that is clearly detrimental to the flow of conversation and normal activities of the boards and its users may also be deleted...so watch your flow. {*_*}

TERMS VIOLATIONS Piss me off...I'll hang your ass. -Thank you...sincerely...Otis.

...and now you may go to the message board. Message Board