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This is me! =^_^= Click to vote for me in the beauty contest!
Intro | My Past | My Family And Friends
My Stats | The List | Fanart 'n Such
My Diary | My Owner | FAQs
Sleepy Time | GBook | Links | Neocircles

Welcome to
Ice Frost Palace is the name of my home
Hi visitor and welcome to my home! My name is PrincessKie but you can just call me Kie. As you can see in the picture to the left, I am not any regular kougra, but a special kind. I don’t really have any one color or anything like that, so I just call myself different! Oh, and I do, infact, have one blue and one green eye. Read on to learn more about me! And as you go through the put mouse over items to see what i think of them. ^.^ Also, click on the pic on the left of the page to vote for me in the beauty contest!

My Past
Me as a baby!
Ever since I was born, I was a tiny white kougra. (of course, now I have stripes and stuff and I am bigger) When I was just born, though, no one in my pack thought I would live because I was so tiny and scrawny. My pack was small but they couldn’t have any kougra, not even a baby slow them down because they were always being hunted. My real mother and father couldn't keep more a secret forever so they had no choice but to leave me in the cold snow and frost under a rock all alone one afternoon. They told me that they would come back during the night and take me to a nice cave with them. As evening rolled over the sky, I began to get cold and hungry but the hope that my mother and father would be by my side at any minute kept me under the rock where they had left me. I began to get scared as an hour past and hungry animals came out to feast. Finally, when my hopes were starting to drift away, a silhouette of two kougras appeared on a nearby hill. I jumped for joy but perhaps I jumped too soon. Suddenly, I heard a bang and one of them had impacted into the ground. The other started to run towards me, but then another bang roared. My last hopes had left me. I ran to both of them, and each of them told how much they loved me and that I should run from this area if I truly loved them. So I did and I found a group of people near by. That is where I met my owner, Brandi. I took Brandi back to the spot where my parents were the next day but they were gone. Not a single trace of them anywhere. I'm not sure what exactly happened to my mom and dad but somewhere in my heart I know that somehow they are still alive. I‘ve almost forgotten both of their faces but if I close my eyes tight enough, I can just make them out. And when its real quiet some nights, I can almost hear them singing me to sleep. How sad life is sometimes. You will forever be in my heart, Mommy and Daddy.

My Family and Friends
Grrrrr!!!!My brother, SiberianFireTiger but just call him Fire Tiger. He is older than me and is very rude sometimes! But he can be a great brother when he needs to be. And when I'm in danger, you can bet he'll be there protecting me. Sometimes I worry about him, though, because he just stares into space. What is he looking at... or for?

Ssssssss!This is my petpet, Diamond. Cute as she may look, she's a handful! I'm hoping to paint her white in the near future.

This is Illusen! When I recently visited Meridell, she somehow recognized me! Hmmmm, I wonder how she knows me? Is there more to my past than I know? Well, anyway, we visit her often and after we give her an item, she tells us a story. Her stories are really cool! Maybe I'll list one sometime.

This is Jojerl6876, one of my friends. We talk a lot about different things. He is really nice, really strong, and shy sometimes. His owner is cool, too. He is an Ice Kougra. The pic at the right doesn't exactly look like him so I'm making one of him soon. I hope he'll like it.

This is Never_Defeated_, another of my friends. He is very nice to me. He is strong but I bet he will get much stronger. He is a white kougra with lots of personality. I've had him as a friend much longer than anyone else. Hopefully we will stay friends for a long time!

My Stats
Name: PrincessKie (Kie for short and Kie is pronounced like the word sky without s)
gender: female
species: kougra
human: Siberianfiretiger
mate: none
mood: happy
age: 9431 hours old
level: 6
strength: 11
speed: 8
defence: 8
hp: 16/16
intelligence: 41
birthday: January 1 , 2000

The List
(place mouse over items to see what I think of them)
My Wish List
it sparkles!
My Likes
I like to read this book a lotthis tastes very goodI could eat this all daythis is my most favorite food of all
I look at myself in a mirror many times an hourits hard to open this bag but when I do, I get lots of yummy treats^_^when I drink this too fast, I get a brain freeze
this is fun to play withcake, my favorite dessert of all
My Dislikes
how gross!?!get it away from me!

Fanart 'n Such
the caption was - *you here a soft purr and see a kougra stretching* Please vote for me. I'd love to win a trophie! To learn more about me, visit my petpage!
Mom drew this for me and then entered it in the beauty contest but, sadly, people just won't vote for me!

My Diary
Day 1 - Diary, this is your new owner, Kie! My owner gave you to me and now I can write all my secrets here! My bro isn't allowed to read you so I can write whatever I want about him here!
Day 2 - Brandi just finished my page! She says that she is gonna start showing it to all her friends! I'll be soo popular!
Day 3 - Mom said she was making a FAQ! Yeah!
Day 4 - Mom finally put the FAQ up!
Day 5 - Me and my mom had to move my page so that it would work but now those special neopets codes won't work here so I have to change all of them!
Day 6 - Yeah, new navigation system!
Day 7 - I added some more of my friends! check them out!

My Owner

Above is a pic (well not a real pic) of my owner, Siberianfiretiger or Brandi(as we normally call her). She loves blue, just like me! Also, she owns a great Final Fantasy guild called She is great to hang out with! Sometimes she lets me play with her pet cats, Princess and Midnight.

Her Stats
Gender: female
Species: Human
Age: 13
Birthday: Janaury 30
Mood: My owner's mood!

Q: Can we exchange links for petpages?
A: yeah, sure!

Q: Can I draw a pic of your pet and can you put it on your page
A: yeah, sure! I’d be honored if you did that (whether it would be for free or cost a price)!

Q: Will you draw a picture of my pet?
A: sorry, I have enough trouble drawing my own pets!

Q: Can I challenge PrincessKie to a battle?
A: Actually, she really isn’t into fighting but you can challenge my other pet, SiberianFireTiger

Q: can me and you be friends?
A: um, sure, but first let’s just get to know each other through neomail

Q: can our pets be friends?
A: that would be great because Kie loves to have friends

Q: can my pet date Kie?
A: well, actually, she still a little too young yet

Q: can our pets be mates?
A: as I said before, she is still to young.

Q: can I neomail you?
A: sure, but don’t neomail me with anything like 'I have no NP! Please help me by giving me some of yours' because if I did have NP to spare, I'd donate it not give it to undeserving people

Q: do you RP with Kie, or/and can she be RP'd with my pet?
A: sure, just neomail her up any time

Q: how old are you?
A: I'm thirthteen

Sleepy Time
Thanx for visiting me but now I'm getting kinda tired! You can link me with the link below, visit some of my friends, join the neocircle, or sign my guest book below! *yawns, curls up, and falls asleep*

Guest Book
View My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook

Enter Travelers.... *purr*
Uh, they wouldn't link me back! Oh well!
Visit Aplinna's Page!
Still gotta contact her so she will link me back.

If you link me, neomail my owner and I'll link you back!
Merow!!! =^_^=

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We`re so purrrrrrfectly happy here! =^_^=
This NeoCircle is owned by ilovetherain
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