Straight from the Wolf's mouth

         I am a victim. A victim of the newest injustice to lay    it's evil hands on Philippine society. I am a victim of    piracy. I am a victim of injustice. And because I am a    victim, I have no ther choice but to fight back. Not with    protests or demonstrations nor with knives or bullets, but    with the only weapon I have, my music and my knowledge.

         There are more victims of this cancer than just Wolfgang, Parokya Ni Edgar, Rivermaya, Slapshock and the Eraserheads. Young, promising artists are having a hard time getting signed up with a record company due to the latter's slump in sales and profit. Concert promoters are wary to organize quality shows since money is hard to come by. Record bars are closing up shop and hundreds of people are losing their jobs.

         In plain and simple English, piracy is an illegal activity that is sucking up the life out of the Philippine music industry, an industry that provides the economy with millions of pesos annually. This disease, if not stopped will lead to the ultimate death of Original Pilipino Music.

         But all hope is not lost; the power to right this wrong is in your hand, the Wolfgang fan, the Parokya fan, the Slapshock fan, the E-heads fan, the music fan. The only way to help fight piracy is not to buy any form of pirated CD's. When the buying stops, the manufacturing stops. The music and the knowledge are our weapons.

         We need your help. Use your weapons. We need you to keep the music alive. Join the fight against piracy. Peace and God bless.

                                                              -- Leslie "Wolf" Gemora, drummer

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Anyway, most of the materials and images found here, I just ripped them off of other people's cooler sites. Best viewed using 800 x 600 pixel resolution using Internet Explorer 5.0. This wrecksite™ was created using Notepad and beer -- and lots and lots of beer! Ayuz!