These are some of my favourite pictures
They were given to me by
~The Wyked Witch of Oz~
She snapped them off video for me.
They are unique and therefor if they show up somewhere else,
I'll know they're mine. But please enjoy... ;)

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" … Like arrows, shooting through my mind from out of the blue." -Jeffrey Dahmer

one boy, entertained by the torments of another soul touching was confusing and he found he was all alone

he sought salvation in the darkness of the choklit sweets soaked insecurities and sugar teased his need to kill

peel back the faces we hide within our choklit shell some know indulgence some know and some go much too far

they came, hypnotized by the promise in his somber grin...

he saw something in the weakness of their skin...

peel back the faces we hide within our choklit shell

some know indulgence some know and some go much too far

Jeff saved for later his prizes of iniquity;

Polaroids to covet and bones to hide in 213...

"I was completely swept along with my own compulsion..."




There are only two links- since Ive only found two websites on Dahmer worthy to link...

J E F F R E Y - D A H M E R

one of the first Serial Killers that caught my interest and the only one so far that has been able to move my heart.

Hence my nick- 'Lady Dahmer'. heh.

To those of you that cant see the irony in that; Too bad- buy yerselves a sence of humour.

You can find my 'shrine'- my petproject-my site on Dahmer


heavily under construction-- pretty shitty so far. *ugh*