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Name: Samantha

Nickname: Suckers, Princess,
& Pahmanfah

Age: 10

Mental Age: 25

Currently Residing at: here silly :)

Birthplace: London, Ontario

Birthdate: 09/08/91

Bloodtype:o positive

Nationality: I am CANADIAN!

Heritage: My mommy is
irish/canadian,& and my
daddy is american

Height: 4ft (i'm wittle :)

Eye Color: blue

Sign: Virgo

Occupation: pain in the butt! *my mom
says i'm a pro* hehehe

School: Monsignor O' Niel
Catholic Junior High School

Grade: 5A

Martial Status:I'm single and
NOT looking.I'm too young,
and school is too important.
Besides dont boys have cooties?!

Influential Person in Life: My mommy

Languages I speak: English, Irish,
French,& a lil Spanish.





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What's Your Style?

Which Buffy Girl Are You?

Who's Your Inner Buffy Bad-Girl?

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Who's Your Inner Music Industry Diva?

Which Action Star Are You?