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Lucky's DDR Contest

This is a page for the DRR contests running at Lucky's arcade in Seaside Heights. This is mainly for the players of DDR but all visits are welcome.

Contest Rules

It's a $2 entry fee but you get a free bottle of water to keep yourself cool while dancing.

The prizes are $350 for first , $100 for second and $50 for third.

The contest will run all season and points will be given out each week to the best six dancers.

The dancer with the most points will be declared winner AFTER the Labor day contest.

The points will be awarded as so

1st place : 10 points

2nd place : 7

3rd : 5

4th : 4

5th : 3

6th: 1


Here are some of the DDR Freaks we have at our arcade


Here are the contest results so far